forum Depressed character meets your character? Yep. Why? Idk man-
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Pizzaz11 group

Sera feels the guards push him forwards in the slightest, yet they still keep a hold on his arms to keep him from running. The boy stares up at Lucifer quietly for a moment, expression clearly filled with resentment. But after a moment he exhales and somewhat attempts to smooth said expression over. If he wants to get out of this, he at least has to try to be nice to this asshole of a king.

"I steal because I have no other choice. There's no place in society for people like me. I'm doing what I can with the cards I was dealt from the beginning." Seras words are clean and concise, sweet like honey. But not so much so that it's clear hes trying to suck up a little to an otherwise unforgiving king. His eyes dart around the room, looking for some way to escape, or to break his bonds. He is not going to let this king decide his fate. After a moment longer Seras eyes land on Geo, watching him for a moment. For a split second the boys clear and calm expression breaks, revealing the slightest hint of something resembling sadness, or regret. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss Geo. They were very close.. but Geo was a prince, and Sera was an orphan begger who lived on the streets. The kings family had a reputation to uphold, and when Sera inevitably used his powers for selfish and evil reasons..let's just say Geo distanced himself greatly. Sera has seen many lands, many people, countless treasures. But he never thought he would be here again, faced with an old friend, and bad memories.

Eventually Sera tears his eyes away, looking at the king once more to await his response.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Lucifer narrows his eyes. “We have offered you assistance many times. We have helpful programs that can make life easier. We could have provided you a stable home free of charge, food, water and money. I am not a selfish king. I help my people if they want help. But if they refuse help…there’s nothing I can do. Do you realize what hole you dug yourself? My kingdom is the most forgiving. But other rulers would have had much worse consequences. I tolerate stealing to a degree…but the amount you’ve done if unacceptable.”

Lucifer‘s gaze was that of a stern fathers. Loving, yet still showed that ‘I’m very disappointed in you’ look. Of course people who have gotten into trouble with the king have reported the exact same thing. And while the prince never laughed at much, he did laugh at the silly (and true) stories he had heard. His father definitely wasn’t a bad man. In fact, he was very loving and cared about his people. Geo always admired that.

Lucifer then sighs, “As for the treason part…I’d like to ask you what happened. Is there any witnesses that I should call to your trial?”

@Pizzaz11 group

Sera holds back a scoff at the kings words, he doesn't want to offend him further. But Sera was never offered these chances that the king says he was. Trust him, if he was basically handed a happy life, he would've taken it. Stealing is a means of survival. He may have strayed very far from being justifiable, but that was not entirely of his own volition. Meeting the gaze of the king, Sera greatly dislikes this fatherly tone Lucifer holds. But alas, Sera sucks it up and simply nods as the king speaks. Every second or so he shifts his arms a little, attempting to make the iron cuffs touch as little of his skin as possible. He can feel his magic being repelled and contained by the metal, as if chaining a wild beast. The longer its locked away the wilder and more distressed it becomes. And this distress is visible in Seras body language, even if hes good at hiding it in his expression.

"..I do not have a witness. I was falsely accused. I may be a theif but I am not a traitor to my kingdom in the way that I am being accused of." Sera shifts his body weight from foot to foot, not missing how the guards tighten their grip even further. He finally frowns the tiniest bit, eyes narrowing before finally glancing at Geo once more. He wonders, if he is sentenced to death, would he have the opportunity to talk to his old friend one more time? Would he even want to talk to him? As much as he understands why Geo left, it still hurt. The prince was the only friend he had for so long, the only consistency he had in his fast paced, scattered life. And he just..left, just like that.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Lucifer takes a moment, then growls at the guard. “Let the boy go.” He looks back to Sera. “Did I not offer refuge?” His tone was sincere now. He honestly looked worried.

Geo spoke up. “No…you didn’t, padre…” he bites his hand slightly. This was an old habit of his that he’s had ever since he was a baby. It mainly came from stress and his anxiety. The boys poor hands were very scared and swollen from this repeated action. As Geo spoke, his eyes sparkled with fear.

Lucifer frowns deeply. “Oh…oh gods…” he shakes his head. “Listen…please. I am truly sorry. I could have sworn…” He bites his lip, then sighs. “We will still hold trial…and we will have someone come and take a look at you. He is skilled in reading people and judging. If you’re innocent, he will know. For now…I want to keep an eye on you…so I will have to keep you here.”

Geo takes a moment, “He…can stay in the palace. Not dungeon.”

Lucifer looks at his son, slightly startled, yet relieved that his son was now talking. “Alright.” He looks back at the boy. “I will get a room set up for you…is that alright?”

@Pizzaz11 group

Almost as soon as the king orders it, the guards let go of Seras arms, albeit with some hesitation, as if they were expecting Sera to run away at any moment. Instead, the boy simply sighs in relief and rolls his shoulders a little to relieve the tension, shifting again and watching the king. He opens his moutb to respond, but cuts himself short when Geo responds for him, looking at the prince for a moment. Then, back to the king. The promise of not being locked away almost seems impossible to him. He's a wanted criminal, and theyre about to just give him a room here, somewhere nice to stay, just like that? While he's awaiting trial for treason, one of the worst crimes one could commit here. He almost couldn't believe his ears. But, he would be a cool to refuse such an offer. I mean, hey, it means a good place to stay for a few days, food to eat without having to steal it..

" are very generous, Lord. If youre sure it wouldn't be any trouble..then I will willingly stay here while I await a trial." Sera gives a bit of a smile at the end of his sentence, seeming very grateful for such a gift. Although, he can't help but look at Geo again. Now that he knows he will have would be a wasted opportunity to not talk with him when he has the chance. Who knows, maybe..maybe they could mend whatever fragments of a relationship there are left, here. Maybe..well, he wouldn't go so far as to say that he'd give up a life of crime for this. But perhaps with some convincing, he could lay off the heists for a bit. Perhaps he could live a calmer life..if hes found innocent. He's not exactly an angel, so this person that the lord is summoning could just as easily banish him to death.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Lucifer smiles and nods, “Of course. It’s to make up for my mistreatment. As for you…I do require you to please think about your actions. Because if you own up now…punishment could be lessened.” He nods to the guards. “You are dismissed.” He looks back at the boy. “Follow me.”

Geo sighs and limps off to his room, hissing softly from the terrible pain in his leg and the rest of his already sore body. Of course, he was always in pain. Though, he never explained why…

Lucifer leads Sera to a nice, spacious room with a comfortable bed and clothes already in the closet. “Dinner will be ready at 7. I apologize if my son does not show…it’s…almost impossible to get him to join me for supper.” He smiles softly, though his face showed a fatherly worry that couldn’t be matched by anything or anyone else. It was a look of love and concern for his only child.

@Eli-the-transboi group

(Hey I just wanna let you know that i leave on the 22nd. I’m sending this to everyone i rp with and know. I may POSSIBLY be back on may 30th but we’ll see. I’ll miss you all and I’ll try to be back next school year <3)