forum Death Takes A Holiday (o/o, open)
Started by @knightinadream group

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@knightinadream group

(Hii! I took inspiration from an old movie and wanted to make a cute romance/slow burn/slice of life rp. I have this character who's Death and I'd love to test this plot with someone!)

It's never been easy for Death. Everyone more or less fears him. He is always depicted in a morbid light, as the end for everyone. Worst of all, he is alone. He has been alone for millions of years. Death wants to be with the living so he could learn what it's like to be a human. Love, pain, happiness, sadness, he wants to learn these things. He wants to learn why they fear him.

So for one year, he takes on the form of a human and lives as one. The world is not what it used to be. He ran into many problems from connecting with others to scaring people away but he wants to learn human things. He needs to! When you can't beat them, join them. Somehow Death finds a job as the assistant to the chief editor at a fashion magazine and boy is he in for it.

His boss is so perfect. From looks to intelligence, they have it all. They are just so cool. It may love at first sight for Death. The problem is everyone is intimidated by them. Why? Who knows? Some say that they are very prejudice and full of pride. Others claim it's because they have this scary aura.

It's not their fault. They are tough, making it difficult for them to let the right one in. Assistants and partners come and go for them. They envy those in a relationship. The poor boss can't even watch a romantic movie without getting jealous. It's never been easy for the boss.

Something about the boss draws Death towards them. Something about Death (whom the boss and everyone perceives to be a normal man) draws the boss towards them.


  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules
  • Although this is a romance rp and may have mature themes, but we will have things fade to black when it comes to smut.
  • Long detailed paragraph responses please.
  • Details can be changed if need be. Since your character is the boss, you can decide if they're in charge of a fashion magazine company or something else. This rp can be m/f or m/m.
  • Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. :)

@knightinadream group

Name: Atticus Namgung (Death)
Age: Appears 28, but has existed for 520 years
Gender: Cis-male
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Appearance: For being one of the most feared beings in the universe, Death doesn't look as scary when being in human form as his humanself. Atticus has sculptured features; the most prominent being his long grecian nose and monolid, smokey dark brown eyes. If you look into eyes long enough, you can bits of his soul floating around. It can shine or float around like snowflakes. His 6'3" height along with his muscular inverted triangular body also gives into this fact. He prefers to keep his jet black hair short and to have most of his fluffy hair parted to the left side. The color of his skin is warm ivory but appears slightly darker when tan. On the lower left side of his nose, there is a small beauty mark.
Personality: While Death is meant to be professional and proper all the time, there is depth to his character. He may say that he doesn't feel feelings, but he does. The soul is actually quite the fluffy ball of sunshine with bits of bleakness. Death is a sincere and considerate soul who normally is kind to those around him. He also happens to be an extremely fearless and selfless soul. Always quick on his feet, (usually) ready for whatever happens next. However, he loves sitting down and listening to others. He does have a knack for the simpler things in life. Death is quite the curious individual. Sometimes things fly over his head. Other times he would spend hours trying to learn something or help someone. There's never a boring day when you're with Death/Atticus.
Background: Death has never experienced life. He was always a lonely little soul who worked to ensure the safe passage for those who left life on Earth. Certain souls never go to Earth. Some become grim reapers who help Death by escorting souls to the afterlife. This current incarnation of Death was a grim reaper, but he took on the big role after the previous one wanted to rest and relax for the rest of eternity. It isn't the greatest job in the universe, but Death had found moments where he enjoyed it. Sometimes Death was able to take on the form of a human and walk on the earth as one, but only to be able to escort hundreds of souls. Humans have always fascinated him. They only get to live for so long but they create meanings that last for centuries. Some are beautiful while others brought devastation and destruction. He has served as Death for the last three hundred years and decided to take a break. Some humans do that. They take time off, go explore, and learn new things. Death has always wanted to learn more about humans and the meaning of life.
Songs: Melting by Kali Uchis, Angel Eyes by ABBA, Darkness at the Heart of My Love by Ghost
Other: If there is one human thing that Death is obsessed with, it's sweets. It's not the only human thing, but boy does he love them. From chocolate to cake to ice cream, he loves it all. Thank God he already knew about brushing teeth before becoming human for a year. Death is also obsessed with 90s/2000s romance movies.