forum Crowns of bone and shadow ((one-on-one//closed//18+, R))
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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Eurion crossed his arms over his chest, his signature scowl settling over his features even though there wasn't anything inherently wrong with what was going on in front of him. He couldn't help but be a tad worried about Vaemond. The way that Rhaenys had spoken to him, her look, he could only assume that her brother-in-law was troublesome as best. Dangerous at worst and somehow he figured that he would be leaning towards the latter for the assumption of what he was like. However he was gone, for now, and so the assassin turned his mind away from the other in favour of the woman on the throne.

Confusion only followed when he listened to her speak of Viserys. He could only assume it was the capital of some sort near by but he couldn't be sure. All of this new world malarky was starting to get on his nerves, especially when he didn't understand anything that was going on in the world that he now walked.

The assassin had already decided that he was going with Rhaenys and didn't need to speak it out loud. He doubted she would want to leave him here, anyways, considering he was the murderer of her husband and she needed answers. Because the Gods could visit while she was away, and she couldn't have that. Better to stay together to prevent any confusion.

He turned to Baela when she was introduced and bowed his head a fraction in greeting, "Eurion," He replied, "A pleasure to meet you, Baela."

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Rhaenys noticed his body language, and her own subconsciously began to counter his. While his arms cross, she maintained her openness by keeping her palms flat on the arms of her throne. Combatting his scowl was her own smooth neutral expression with arched eyebrows, daring him to challenge her. Yes, Vaemond could be a handful, and yes, more often than not they were at ends with each other.

But the last thing Rhaenys needed to accompany Corlys’ death was the death of his brother, especially at the hands of her new “bodyguard.” People would find out, and whether they knew the truth of it or not, they would make assumptions either way. It was best to keep the peace as long as possible.

The Lady of Driftmark could practically see the confusion behind his eyes. It was to be expected. After all, he was very obviously new to Westeros. The names of the people and places on the continent would certainly be foreign to him, as his world and his gods were to her. She’d explain later, somewhere more private where they couldn’t be overheard.

Little did Eurion know, he was exactly right. Rhaenys was already counting on him joining her, but not being as much of a presence. Especially in the highest court of Westeros. There were many who would see her new “protection” as other things. Rumors spread faster than dragons flew. Rhaenys couldn’t afford it.

Baela nodded briefly in reply. “I should find Rhaena,” she murmured. The girl leaned forward and kissed Rhaenys’ cheek gently.

Rhaenys smiled at her granddaughter, but she also took the opportunity to hiss a warning. “You must be aware of everything. Keep yourself prepared at all times. We must be wary.”

When she drew back, Baela’s eyes were wide. But she quickly fixed her expression, curtseyed to her grandmother, and left the room.

Rhaenys inclined her head back toward the assassin. “Shall we go somewhere to talk now?” she asked. Though she phrased it like a question, it really wasn’t.


Eurion watched the two of them interact. His own parents had passed away years ago, but the interaction between Rhaenys and her grandchild reminded him of how his mother had spoken to him when he was younger. With care and compassion, wanting the best for him, wanting him to always be on the lookout for danger if he was to get to the top of where he wanted to be. They may not have been royal, but they had had enemies.

Half of him wished that he could go back to that time in his life when things had been easy. He hadn't had to worry about Gods. The pain of the invisible chains on his wrists and neck that bound him so harshly it was a constant suffocation. Life had been easy when he didn't have to worry about surviving day in and day out.

The Fae assassin breathed in deep through his nose as he watched the young woman leave. He would already tell she would one day be a force to be reckoned with if this was already how she was acting. Much like her grandmother. It almost brought a smirk to his features. Instead, they only lessoned from that scowl just a tad. He turned to Rhaenys once the young girl had left the room.

"Yes, we should," He uncrossed his arms and gestured towards the door at the far end of the room, "Shall we?" Because he didn't know the palace well enough to know what would be the most secluded spot for them to talk in. Eurion, as well, as 'body guard' couldn't be seen walking in front of the Lady of Driftmark.

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Rhaenys' eyes deeply searched Baela's to convey her meaning. While Baela might not know yet of Corlys' death, she was sure to find out soon. And when that happened, she would understand her grandmother's words with a whole new meaning.

Once Baela had completely left, Rhaenys turned back toward Eurion. Her eyes caught that he wasn't as irritated as he had looked before, and she wondered what had caused it.

Rhaenys simply nodded and descended from her throne. While she didn't quite like the idea of Eurion walking behind her, she knew that it would look suspicious if he were to walk beside or in front of her. She was a woman of power here. Nothing should be able to overshadow her.

The Lady of Driftmark debated taking him on a walk through the castle, but she needed to speak with him first. And they couldn't risk being overheard. So, instead, she led him back to the chamber where she'd changed from her armor into her gown. She turned to face him and lifted her chin. "Close the door behind you," she ordered.


As they walked Eurion made sure to stay one step behind Rhaenys at all times. He didn't want anyone to become suspicious of their newfound relationship between one another. No one need to know that he was an assassin, the man that had just murdered her husband in cold blood. The man that had killed hundreds over his long, long lifetime. The man that had never walked this earth before and was new to Westeros, who didn't know a single thing about the place he was now living.

It was all confusing. Even he had questions as to why, of all people, he had been sent to kill Corlys. He wasn't from his world. He had travelled far to get here, further than he had ever gone before. Why his Gods wanted that man dead was beyond him. But he couldn't question. He didn't dare question. At least not until now, when Rhaenys wanted answers and would probably kill him if he didn't ask them.

Fuck, he wondered if she would go toe-to-toe with he Gods herself. If she did then she was braver than Eurion had first thought her to be. Maybe it was because she didn't know them that she had the ability to do so. He certainly didn't. But he would be the one subjected to their wrath based on what she asked or what she did. It wasn't fair, but maybe he deserved it for killing her husband right in front of her.

They made it to the chambers and Euroin lifted a brow as if to say he had been planning on shutting the door regardless. Rhaenys didn't need to order him around. She didn't have the right. Eurion sighed but did as he was ordered, making sure the door was securely shut, and then locked, to avoid anyone randomly walking in. The assassin moved and sat on one of the chairs in the room, a picture of lazy arrogance.

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Rhaenys kept a quick pace through the halls. She didn't need anyone stopping them for any reason. The only thing she would stop for now would be her granddaughters, but she knew Baela had sought out Rhaena to keep her safe. Good. If Rhaenys was to take on Vaemond and the Great Council essentially by herself, she would need the reassurance that her granddaughters were safe at Driftmark and away from harm.

Her mind didn't stop working. It couldn't. There was too much to question in her mind, mainly regarding the man walking just a step behind her. She wondered the full extent of his abilities, why he had been sent to murder her husband, and who the Gods that pulled his strings were. When would they contact him?

She shook her head at nothing and just kept walking instead. Better to ask the questions she could get immediate answers to. Or let Eurion ask questions of her. Rhaenys needed to stop thinking for a little while. Answering simple questions about Westeros would help with that.

The Lady of Driftmark caught the look her "bodyguard" gave her as she spoke. She inclined her head back and arched an eyebrow of her own. He wasn't in a position to challenge her. Not yet. Her eyes followed him as he shut the door, then lounged in one of her chairs by her fireplace. Once they were secure and alone, she sighed and let the tension in her shoulders relax.

"Where shall we start?" she asked plainly.


Eurion pulled one of the daggers from his side, twisting it in his hand as he took in the sharp blade, one end balancing on the tip of his finger, the other spinning the blade by the hilt. The weapon itself was made of fine steel, sharp as anything, and it pricked at his finger where it was sat on his skin. The hilt was dark onyx, carved beautifully with twisting curls. He kept his gaze on the blade as he heard Rhaenys sigh, and then finally looked her way when she spoke.

Where did they start? He knew that she would have questions, he had some, too, about the world that they walked on, who she was, who Corlys had been. He wanted a better picture about why he had had to kill the man that he had.

Because he was still confused, just as much as the Lady standing before him. He didn't know this world. These people. He didn't know how things functioned or what they were to do next. It seemed that Rhaenys had to go somewhere, meet with some people and talk to them, presumably about Corlys' death, he figured. What else would it be out? But then again, what did he know?

Nothing, was the answer to that question.

Eurion released a sharp breath through his nose, "Where do you wish to begin? I am curious as to how your world functions, I won't lie, and where you will have to travel."

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Rhaenys observed him as he demonstrated his skill with a dagger. The sight of the weapon brought a new wave of heartache to her soul to know that was the dagger that had taken the life of her husband. It was beautiful, but she couldn't bring herself to look at it. Knowing what it had done. What he had done with it.

But when she sighed, the princess caught his motion out of the corner of her eye. So, carefully avoiding the blade with her gaze, Rhaenys looked over at him. She could practically see the questions behind his eyes. It was fair to have as many questions as he likely had. Especially if, as he claimed, he was in a completely new, foreign world. But until he gave voice to them, Rhaenys couldn't give him the answers he sought. She wasn't a mind reader, after all.

A quiet scoff escaped her lips. "I'm not sure you'd like to start where I wish to begin," she remarked, half to herself. She would much rather talk about something neutral. Rhaenys paused a heartbeat too long than what would be natural as she debated whether to tell him about her other title. She decided against it. The layout of Westeros seemed as good a topic as any.

“Currently, we are on the isle of Driftmark in the castle my husband had built for House Velaryon. High Tide. The Great Council and Iron Throne are at King’s Landing, on the mainland. My cousin, Viserys, is the king. Vaemond will take his claim there, so I must go to present and support Corlys' choice of an heir." She closed her eyes and sighed. "Though, truly, Vaemond is right. Luke is not my legitimate grandson. But I still care for him as if he is, and that shall not ever change. If Corlys chose him to be the heir, then he shall be the Driftwood Throne's heir."


So strange this new world was. Strange names and words and people, titles that he had never heard of. No magic, from what he could sense and see, no Fae, either, that much was already clear simply from the people around the halls of Driftmark. Eurion was alone in this strange new world now, and he didn't know if he liked it or not.

He was used to having comfort in the fact that at least back home there were people who knew of him, of what he could do, by his other name. He could visit a city and find the most diverse range of people– from fae to dwarves to ogres. There was a comfort in the diversity, the security that there were so many strange people out there like him. It helped that he knew the land off by heart, had travelled and learned every inch of it in order to know where his next kills were going to be and how they would pan out. Here, he knew nothing.

Eurion had spent days trying to understand what was the best time for him to strike Corlys. Days in the rafters followed his movements to try and understand where to go, trying to pick up on the language to no avail. Maybe now he would be able to do so.

Sensing and seeing Rhaenys' distaste for his dagger, he put it away, settling to place his hands on the side of the chair and drum his fingers on the fabric, "So, we are to go to The Great Council on the Mainland. How long is the travel?"