forum CountryHuman Rp! (Open)
Started by @Ray-Mightbegone

people_alt 81 followers


(Sure do hope so)
"But it's fuuun…" America sat down on the couch. "So who wants to play truth or dare? I'm drunk and I have no dignity, so you know."


"Bro you can't lie on a truth, it's literally, like, in the name." America stared at the ceiling, feeling disoriented and nauseous. "Either way, it's your turn to ask somebody."


America turned onto his side to watch the game, his eyes unfocused and his face a bit flushed from the alcohol.


"Russia's turn" Belarus said Russia" Truth or dare Belarus" " Dare," " I dare you to do a handstand for 10 minutes" Belarus "FIne" Belarus did a hand stand for 2 minutes. then Belarus fell


"Wait wait wait… what happens if he fails the dare?" America asked. We execute him. Wait no I can't do that I'm America.


"I haven't been asked yet. It becomes your turn when you get asked a question or told to do a dare."