@Mojack group
What’s it like, not knowing that there’s a whole other world out there? A world outside of your own, with a completely different history, process, all that. New people, new groups. Some things may be the same - most things are completely different.
You’ve lived a nomadic life, in a place where everybody knows everybody. No electricity - you wouldn’t even know what that is to begin with, given things here, like I said, are different. But what you do have is magic. Magic - fascinating powers, that people are born with. There’s even classes that students go to in order to train and control their abilities.
So what’s normal to you, is strange to someone else.
Someone that one day shows up in the area, and they dress pretty weirdly too. Who is this person? What clan do they hail from?
Mm, my favourite. Transported to another dimension RP.
- you, the person joining this rp will be playing the person who lives in the nomadic clan.
- I didn’t give the clan a name, so you can make that up if you so desire.
- people in this world live in nomadic clans in an untouched world. clean air, fresh water, you name it.
- although war has happened in this world’s history, the last major war was about 3 centuries ago. for the most part, scuffles between people aren’t serious.
- magic overuse is a thing; should a magic user push themselves too much they can be ‘locked out’ (aka unable to use their magic) for a few hours. they can also be extremely tired, or have a headache. sometimes even passing out
- the character I will be playing comes from a different universe. I’m not going to say much on this.
- I will be playing as a man. though I’d prefer whoever joins this play a woman, you don’t have to.
- this will probably a be a romance of some sort, maybe, maybe not.
- Try not to be overpowered, okay?
- No autohitting, but don’t dodge everything when it comes to fights. Be fair.
- Ask questions as needed.
- Three sentences minimum.
- Good grammar appreciated.
- Mature RPers, please.
- As usual, cursing is allowed.
- Blood and the such is also allowed, but know that there’s a time and place for everything.
- If I am not familiar with your style, I’ll ask for a writing sample. Have one at ready.
remove brackets when filling out.
Clan: (optional, this is just if you want to give the clan your character comes from a name.)
Age: (20-24)
Distinguishing marks: (notable things, such as tattoos, scars, birthmarks, etc; if any.)
Skills: (minimum of two)
Flaws/fears: (minimum of two)
Magic: (whatever power your character has. maximum of two.)