forum Cliche Gay Romance (one on one)
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Skye rolled his eyes as one of the chatty people was sat next to him for the remainder of class, and focused harder on his notes. He couldn't afford to miss a single thing if he ever wanted to go to college.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Skye sighed internally, not wanting to be bothered right now, but also not wanting to be rude. "Hi…" he said softly, cursing himself when he realized his tone could be taken as timid.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

"Well unlike you I actually want top marks in this class, meaning I need to pay attention, not sleep." he said softly, before going back to his notes.

@Knight-Shives group

"But that's so boring, at least do something fun. One class won't ruin everything. Plus you already seem like the smartest in the room." Lyre said, not moving from where he was.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Skye took a little more time packing up, but was out of the room soon after, heading down to the library for the next period, since he had no classes then.

@Knight-Shives group

Lyre also had a free block and was in the library. He was off at one of the tables laying on top of it and reading a book quietly. His bag was discarded on one of the table's chairs.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Skye booted p the computer and got it set up to do his work, typinginto his browser the few links he had coped down on a paper not in his notebook.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Skye ignored the thump, and the loud sigh from the other side of the library, opening his documents and arranging his screen, beginning to type instead.