@PaperHats business
(Yay! Alright I’ll go grab the template.)
(Yay! Alright I’ll go grab the template.)
FULL Name- Donovan (Donny) Wilson
"Circus" Name(s)- Dragon ; Firebender
Gender/Pronouns-Male ; He/Him
Sexuality- Asexual
Age- 19
Nationality- British
Mutation? If so, what kind?- His skin doesn’t seem to react to fire whatsoever.
Does their mutation cause any health issues?- None
Act(s) (1-2 MAX)- Don uses a technique he learned himself— using a high flash-point fuel to essentially “breathe” fire. He can also set himself on fire and toss flames from one hand to the other.
Personality (At least 4 traits, please)- Too sarcastic for his own good. Snarky and flirtatious. He doesn’t necessarily listen to any instructions besides the ones he gives to himself. (Alignment: more chaotic neutral). He also never admits when he’s wrong.
Appearance- 6’0” ; Tanner skin but his dark chocolate hair makes it seem lighter in contrast. He has somewhat of a lithe frame, more on the lanky side than muscular. He has amber eyes— sort of fitting for his mutation. Donny is almost always wearing a mocking grin and tends to throw winks often.
Tattoos? Piercings?- Tattoos lacing his chest that cascade down his arms, stopping at his elbows and fading out. Many of these tattoos are Chinese dragon based, but there are some devilish figures thrown in here and there.
Strengths/Weaknesses- Being stubborn and headstrong can both be considered his strengths and weaknesses.
Fears- Donny mainly fears silence or emptiness, but also has a quiet fear of the ocean. Of course, he’d never admit it.
Prejudices?- He really doesn’t care… he’ll playfully insult anyone anyway.
Open to Romance?- Due to his orientation, Don doesn’t really fall for anyone, but he’s up for flirting and slips innuendos when he can.
Open to Rivalries?- hahahaaa….. yES
Other (Links, Fun facts, etc!)- He really likes to give other people nicknames, or call them by names that aren’t theirs.
He’s been in TCD for roughly 2 years. I’d say you either love ‘em or hate ‘em by now— there’s really no in-between.
FULL Name- Donovan (Donny) Wilson
"Circus" Name(s)- Dragon ; Firebender
Gender/Pronouns-Male ; He/Him
Sexuality- Asexual
Age- 19
Nationality- British
Mutation? If so, what kind?- His skin doesn’t seem to react to fire whatsoever.
Does their mutation cause any health issues?- None
Act(s) (1-2 MAX)- Don uses a technique he learned himself— using a high flash-point fuel to essentially “breathe” fire. He can also set himself on fire and toss flames from one hand to the other.
Personality (At least 4 traits, please)- Too sarcastic for his own good. Snarky and flirtatious. He doesn’t necessarily listen to any instructions besides the ones he gives to himself. (Alignment: more chaotic neutral). He also never admits when he’s wrong.
Appearance- 6’0” ; Tanner skin but his dark chocolate hair makes it seem lighter in contrast. He has somewhat of a lithe frame, more on the lanky side than muscular. He has amber eyes— sort of fitting for his mutation. Donny is almost always wearing a mocking grin and tends to throw winks often.
Tattoos? Piercings?- Tattoos lacing his chest that cascade down his arms, stopping at his elbows and fading out. Many of these tattoos are Chinese dragon based, but there are some devilish figures thrown in here and there.
Strengths/Weaknesses- Being stubborn and headstrong can both be considered his strengths and weaknesses.
Fears- Donny mainly fears silence or emptiness, but also has a quiet fear of the ocean. Of course, he’d never admit it.
Prejudices?- He really doesn’t care… he’ll playfully insult anyone anyway.
Open to Romance?- Due to his orientation, Don doesn’t really fall for anyone, but he’s up for flirting and slips innuendos when he can.
Open to Rivalries?- hahahaaa….. yES
Other (Links, Fun facts, etc!)- He really likes to give other people nicknames, or call them by names that aren’t theirs.He’s been in TCD for roughly 2 years. I’d say you either love ‘em or hate ‘em by now— there’s really no in-between.
(I LOVE HIM. Would you be open to him and Oleg having some sort of bad blood?)
Mre vanished into his trailer for a moment before returning with another jacket. He had a small case of knives in his lap when he sat down.
(Totally, but Donny never really hates anyone. He just kinda messes around and doesn’t take rivalries seriously @GoblinKing)
(Alright! Just FYI, Oleg totally gets heated real quick.)
"What is it?" He glanced at Mre's lap curiously, head tilted. "Knives?"
(Should I just kinda hop in whenever?)
(Should I just kinda hop in whenever?)
Donny bust out of his trailer, raising his arms and yawning dramatically— even though he had woken up hours ago. He glanced around to see if anyone had seen his grand entrance, letting his arms fall when no gazes met his view. He narrowed his eyes, shoving his hands in his pockets and continuing to walk down the steps, almost tripping off the last one.
Oleg's head bolted up at the sound of the trailer door. He snarled silently to himself, Donny catching his eye. He stayed crouching. Oleg fluffed his buzzed hair, shaking his head.
“Hey Ollie, how’s it goin’?” Don said with a wide smile as he noted the man’s irritation. He walked up, keeping his heels up off the ground— a small habit of his. He stopped himself from ruffling the man’s hair and telling him he was a good puppy, but the thought did cross his mind. “Lovely morning, eh?”
"Touch my hair again and I will bite off your damn arm, lizard boy." He snapped. "Good morning, my ass."
(Ah, just a note- I'll be making a few changes to how I write Oleg's dialogue, so please ignore any changes in how it's written!)
Donny smiled even wider at the man’s reply, repressing laughter. “Alright, alright. Noted.”
He turned around, his back facing Oleg now. His fiery eyes danced across the array of trailers.
“We ready for tonight?” he asked. “What acts do we have lined up?”
"I will be surprised if they want to answer you, fire-breather." He stood up, flashing his jagged teeth as he spoke. "Do you have an act tonight or not?" Oleg glared daggers at Donny, not even sure why he hated him so much, only that he did. Badly.
Don shrugged, his eyes now closed. “Eh, maybe. I’ll see how the night goes and if I can fit in an act anywhere. I see we have some newcomers? They’ll do nicely.”
Donovan blinked an eye open, glancing at the wolf-man. Before they could hold contact, he closed his eye again and started walking forward.
“Act or not, I better practice some pyro. Catch ya later, ringleader,” he called mockingly over his shoulder.
"Yes, there are new people. They will be good." He huffed. "Practice, you fucking pyro…. Don't call me the ringleader!" He snapped, eyes sharp and narrowed. "Do not call me a damned ringleader, I do not need this from you." His tail swayed slightly, although it slowly stood rigid, almost like a hunting dog's. "Are you trying to annoy?" Oleg's head lowered and tilted as he talked, and he shoved his hands into his pockets. Oleg started after Donny.
“Not trying to annoy, just getting by,” Donny said, slightly chuckling to himself as he walked on. He started to hum a tune, taking a lighter from his khakis pocket and twirling it in his fingers. He caught sight of a small pool of water near his trailer and kicked off his shoes, hopping in happily. He took off his sweater, revealing nothing underneath but his bare tattooed skin. He flung it to the side of the pool, flicking open his lighter and beginning to play with his flame. The water coiled around his ankles, reminding him to be careful. Good thing he had his pool here. Otherwise… well, he didn’t want to think about burning everything down.
"Just getting by… Ha. Care to explain?" Oleg's body language was comparable to that of a stray dog's, ravenous and feral. He shot a glance at Donny's cast aside sweater by the pool.
“Oh, squire, don’t get your tail in a knot,” Don muttered half-heartedly as he watched the fire dance across his hands. The flames licked at the air, crawling up his arms and flitting around. He coughed as the heated air tickled his lungs.
He took a few steps back, eyeing the flame incredibly warily. Donny's act had always made him nervous. Oleg could never quite put his finger on why, although it was most likely from the extreme heat. “Try not to suffocate from smoke, won't you? We need all ticket sales that we can get, it would be shameful if one of our people died during practice or something like that. ” His tone was harsh and biting.
Donny’s gaze didn’t waver from the flames. “Awww, you care about me? How sweet. Love you too, chap.”
He twisted around, passing fire from one hand to the other.
"Oh, you irritate me. I just don't want to starve." He crossed his arms, rolling his eyes as well. "No wonder you love me, though. I've been told I'm very charming."
“Extremely charming,” Don said with a flick of his hand. The flame on his fingertip went out, followed by the rest of them. Soon, his skin was smoking, but no sign of fire was left. He picked up a bottle of fuel and torch, then carefully lit it. It erupted into flames, singeing the tips of his hair. He smiled, sparks drifting around.
“Anyway… what’s your act tonight? Same as last time? I can cook the meat for you, if you wish… You know—duel act.”
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