forum “Children of the Dark” (OxO, Mature, Closed)
Started by @Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

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@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

De’Tearion couldn’t help a small smile at the squeak, remembering when Agatha would have similar reactions to his grasp. She’d then chide him for startling her. It was always humorous.

De’Tearion didn’t mind as Pip leaned into him. Sure, it made it more difficult to leave so he could hunt, but this was the first time in a long while that he’d actually spent time with anyone. Particularly someone with kindred magic.

He curled an arm around Pip, cradling him against his side. He was so small, but De’Tearion didn’t mind that either.

He leaned back against the wall, watching the swirling shadows. Minutes passed, and De’Tearion found himself dozing off.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Pip let out a soft sound as De’Tearion wrapped an arm around him but didn't move away or wake up. If anything, he snuggled closer.

He didn't know what brought De’Tearion to him but he was glad that he finally had someone who was so nice to him and understood him and could even play with the shadows too. Despite him being so tired, and asleep, he was excited to learn from him and spend time with De’Tearion… in the morning.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

De’Tearion’s lingering smile grew as Pip snuggled up to him. Once again, it reminded him of the countless times he had cradled Agatha in his arms, rocking her to sleep. Such sweet moments.

De’Tearion woke after a couple minutes of dozing, looking around again. He listened closely to his surroundings, checking for intruders or potential prey. He also listened to Pip’s heartbeat, which was steadily lulling him back into another doze. The music of a sleeping heartbeat was so soothing. He could never resist it.

(Do you have anything in mind to happen next, or do you just want to timeskip to them waking in the morning? I’m casual either way)

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

De’Tearion woke from the first dreamless sleep he’d had in ages. The room appeared slightly brighter than it had before, so he supposed it was near dawn. Had he really slept through the rest of the night? How long had it been since he’d slept longer than an hour at a time?

Regardless, he listened for any possible intruders again. Then, once he was sure no one was approaching, he glanced down at Pip, checking on the boy.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Pip was still peacefully asleep, either because he wasn't used to staying up as late as he had last night or simply because it was still far too early for such a young boy to be awake. It didn't matter to him, as he was leaning against De’Tearion’s side. It didn't look like a very comfortable position but he hadn't moved at all during the night.

At some point, while they were both sleeping, it seemed as if some of the shadows had formed a blanket and been draped over the boy's small form. It was hard to tell if they actually held any warmth or not but even now they stayed intact.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(My bad. Life has been very hectic lately, so that’s why I’ve only been responding to basically just one of our rps at the moment. I’ll see about doing this one next though)

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

A small smile lifted De’Tearion’s lips as he looked down at Pip. He was both envious and glad that the boy seemed to be sleeping so soundly. The blanket of shadows was also quite fascinating. De’Tearion would have to remember all the spells Pip used so that he could try and expand his own repertoire. After all, he only knew battle-related spells.

After another moment of inspecting Pip, De’Tearion started to gently brush his long fingers through the boy’s hair. He did it a few times, carefully avoiding any knots that might be in his hair, then settled back and looked around the room more closely.

He was curious about all the trinkets, but he was also keeping watch. The footsteps of a village guard could be heard nearby.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Pip hummed softly at having his hair stroked so gently and nuzzled closer into the touch. He didn't want to wake up yet, but the boy had always been a light sleeper. The blanket slowly dissipated and the room brightened as if someone had started to pull back a curtain.

The trinkets, now more visible in the morning light, were all clearly handmade from scraps of wood, metal, fabric and even small pebbles. Some appeared to be toys mimicking every day people. A lumberjack, a blacksmith, a farmer… all standing mid pose on a shelf. Though some also appeared to be small hand made tools, either to make the toys or for other purposes, alongside small baskets holding more materials for future projects.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

De’Tearion paused when Pip snuggled closer against him. He remembered Agatha doing something quite similar through the centuries, but they had grown up together. To have a child pressed against him… such a small and innocent boy… he didn’t know how to react. So, he simply resumed his gentle strokes, watching as the shadows slowly receded.

Being a nocturnal predator, De’Tearion could see quite well in darkness. It was fascinating though the way the sunlight filtered in and illuminated the room and all the little trinkets within.

As he eyed the objects, De’Tearion realized even more how crafty Pip was. It wasn’t just his shadow magic, but his actual interest. Was that why he could use the shadows so artistically? Because it was a passion of his?

De’Tearion caressed his amulet with his free hand, and considered eventually showing Pip how to craft jewelry. His kin were known widely among the Forestfolk as master jewelers, and De’Tearion himself was no different.

His thoughts were interrupted as he saw movement from the window. De’Tearion turned to look, tensing up as he watched a village guard pass by. The guard thankfully didn’t look inside, simply walking by, but it served as a reminder that De’Tearion had to be careful.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Pip let out a soft sleepy moan and rubbed at his eyes as he felt his ‘pillow’ stiffen. The shadows finally receded to a completely normal state. It took him just a moment longer to wake up and remember that he wasn't alone. He smiled as he looked up at De’Tearion, relieved that he hadn't just been a dream.

“G’morning.” he yawned, voice still soft, and slowly sat up.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

De’Tearion heard the little moan from Pip, but he continued watching the window for a moment. Though, as the shadows retreated, he finally turned to the boy. Pip’s smile helped him to relax and he smiled back a second later.

“Good morning to you as well,”he replied softly.

He leaned forward as Pip sat up, glancing around again at the array of trinkets in the room.

“You made all of these, aye?”he couldn’t help asking, gesturing to the trinkets. He was pretty sure Pip had made them, but it was a conversation starter to figure out the extent of the boy’s creative passions.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Pip smiled at the returned greeting and stretched out his small limbs. “Hmm? Yeah.” he answered when he saw what De’Tearion was talking about. “My dad… started teaching me about shaping wood. Like my mouse. But…” he trailed off, pulling his legs up to his chest. “I just like making things. Doesn't matter what I use.”

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

A small smile lifted his lips as Pip stretched, and it grew at his answer. He then listened to the boy’s words, placing a gentle hand on Pip’s shoulder when he trailed off.

“The material of crafting be a minor detail when one simply likes the craft. And, crafting be a way to honor your father, as he will live on through what you have made,”De’Tearion cooed.

He reached up with his free hand and lifted up the black glass pendant of his amulet. A hint of sadness creeped into his eyes.

“My sister made this amulet, to honor and remember our mother. When… when she died, she gave the amulet to me, that I would do the same for her. I have cherished this amulet since, and it brings me comfort knowing that I carry her and Mother with me,”he said, letting the pendant slide out of his grip.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Pip looked up with a soft shy smile when De’Tearion said it didn't matter what he used to make things. That he didn't have to limit himself to just wood. It felt… comforting to know that he was still making his father proud by making things.

His eyes widened at the sight of the pendant, his hand reaching up to touch it… before he stopped. “It's beautiful.” he murmured. The thought that something so beautiful could be so special for another reason… He reached back under his pillow and held his wooden mouse tightly. “I know what you mean.” he nearly whispered.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

De’Tearion smiled back, a gentle and reassuring expression. It gladdened him to see the light growing in Pip’s eyes. The realization that he could still honor his father without having to focus his craft solely on woodworking would open so many doors for him, and relieve just as much stress.

As Pip reached for his amulet, De’Tearion barely resisted pulling the amulet away. He succeeded with the help of the boy’s comment, but De’Tearion still had to fight the urge to protect his amulet at all cost. The pendant alone was a priceless artifact, its shape representing the beetle form his mother could morph into. He knew every ridge, every curve, of the pendant’s structure. He couldn’t bear the thought of seeing it damaged.

De’Tearion returned to reality as Pip reached for his mouse. His words rang in his head, almost bringing him to tears. That mouse was his ‘amulet’ and he no doubt cherished it with all his heart.

“Always carry it with you then. Let it be your guide as much as your comfort. ‘Tis a conduit to your father, as my amulet be to my mother and sister. In harsh times, they will often show you the way forward, even when you realize it not,”he said softly.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Pip was fascinated by the details of the beetle-shaped pendant but knew better than to actually touch it because the shape was so similar to how De’Tearion looked. It had to be special.

“I will.” the boy nodded, holding the mouse to his chest. He didn't understand how his father could guide him through the object but he never planned to leave it behind.

“Are we still leaving together?” he asked softly, hopeful that he would be able to leave this place and go somewhere with De’Tearion to learn more about how to use the shadows better.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

De’Tearion was thankful that Pip didn’t pursue touching his amulet. He didn’t mind the boy looking at it, but he wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to let someone else touch or hold it.

He smiled at Pip’s words, thoughtfully watching him cradle the mouse.

“Aye. If you need time to gather your things, I can wait. It may also be wise if you eat and take some food with you, if you can. My own diet be… different from humans. I know not how to cook, and I wish not to make you ill.”he answered.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(sorry about the wait. I had a bit of writer's block then my writing brain kicked into overdrive for an old story I hadn't thought about in years.)

Pip beamed at the assurance that they were still going to leave together and jumped off the bed. “Just need a few things.” he said quickly, already pulling out an old half-empty bag before grabbing the rest of his little tools and some materials, both of which he carefully wrapped and stored in their own bags.

“I know how to cook… a little.” he informed, though he did agree with De’Tearion about getting some food from here. “I can eat as we leave.”