forum Calling @RainyDayArtist
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"Yep!" she saw the cookies and grabbed some, "Is just that some poeple don´t seem to realize it…"

Deleted user

"Shwe swonds nwice!" she filled her mouth with cookies yet kept talking

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She smiles, "It´s nice to see the young ones being in love…"

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Izaro seemed surprised, "Oh, no, haven't find thd right one yet!"
(No problem, I haven't really been at home all day…)

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"Well, maybe I did but he's nothing but a friend for the time being…" Wren and Isla stare "I shouldn't have said that…"
(Sorry for the delay, wifi is acting up again…)

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"Well, he's not in town…" she says a little bit nerveous… "He's… funny, a good driver, cooks a good lasagna, stuff like that…"

Deleted user

"He's nice.." she smiles and looks around the place

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"Yeah, and is that a camera?" Yes, Penny was there with a camera setting a timer "Come here for the family photo!"

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"Now, in truly Coulson fashion…" she ran before the timer went off and found a spot "MAKE A MESS FOR THE PHOTO!" People jumping, making faces and weird poses

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3,2,1 a flash and it was done, a photo of a big, crazy and messy family, humans, non humans, people of all shapes and sizes, different appearances, grinning, dancing, huging and laughing and many other things, embracing what made them outcast, truly, a family.

Deleted user

(Do we wrap this up? I mean we could keep going and all, I been thinking on taking a break because of some personal issues, but I can still roleplay, but I would be less active…)