forum By knife, by word - private o/o
Started by @Knick

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Stalkers welcome. Be aware that this rp will be very slow paced at times.

I’ve known them for years. Since childhood, even. Yet I have never been able to trust them.

So obviously, you should understand my hesitation when it comes to working with them. I will if I have to. But know that the ice is very thin with them. If they turn on us, during this mission…

..of course. Of course they won’t. Ensuring policy. Right.





It was a false name, and Abi, occasionally just known as ‘A,’ could almost consider it his true name. Along with that he had a multitude of false names, but in Sedori, he was commonly known as Abi. Just Abi. Only certain people knew his real name. And a certain person, that he would be meeting soon, knew that as well. Unless they’d forgotten, but Abi remembered this friend having a good, even photogenic memory. Abi himself had good memory. But they were on a completely different level.
It made them one of the best in school. Abi and them, they were friends. Friends who were some of the top students in class. And yet that friendship was complicated, only growing even more so as the two aged.

And now Abi was 23, and he figured they would be around the same age. He hadn’t encountered them for some time. As time went on, they became more and more absent. They were what one might call a person of notice, in Sedori. Noticed by the government. Handpicked, sent to do who knows what. Except Abi knew something along the lines of what they did, since he was something similar.
The ocean was calm, and the full moon was high in the clear night sky. Abi could hear wildlife in the forest behind him, chirping, but nothing too loud. Aside from that and the gentle waves, it was nearly silent, which would make it far easier for Abi to detect anyone approaching. Most likely from behind him. He was facing the old docks, the boat, tied to the worn wood. So that it couldn’t drift away. He couldn’t understand how someone could move in from in front of him, but he couldn’t deny the possibility, either. So although his dark blue eyes seemed to be focused on fiddling with his dagger, they flicked upwards every now and then. He hadn’t moved his head. Not at all.