forum Burning Passion (OXO) (PM if you want to do one!)
Started by @Painted-Iris group

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Ophelia quickly and quietly makes two ham and cheese sandwiches, passing both to him. "Eat." While delivered politely, she makes it clear that no is not an answer that she'll be accepting. She brushes the crumbs off of her hands before working on cleaning everything up. Keeping thing tidy makes the small house seem less cluttered.

@Painted-Iris group

Solis grins, teeth showing before turning his head away defiantly. "I'm afraid you'll have to make me," he said, joking tone in his voice. He wanted to snicker but that would end up turning to full on laughter. Thus, that would in turn help Ophelia out.


Ophelia whirls around to face him, raising her brows before she swats him with the cleaning towel. "Eat them of your own free will or I will hold you down and force you." Laughing lightly, a small smile tugs at her lips. "Besides, I reserve the full right to not give you anymore raspberry pastries."

@Painted-Iris group

At this point, Solis can't help but laugh. "Oh my, hitting me with a cloth! How fearsome!" he teases. At the threat of the pastries, he shoves it aside. He could always go find wild raspberries in this form. But… he had no idea how to make the sweet flaky crust. Why am I being tempted by food?! he thought, frustrated at himself. The only thing that keeps him from eating is wanting to see Ophelia try and force feed him. That was if she could catch him. In this smaller form, he was likely more swift than his true form.


Mischief sparks in her eyes. Game on. Ophelia plucks one of the sandwiches from his hand and shoves it into the pocket of the apron on her dress. She's going to need both hands. Though much more fast than strong, the skirts of her dress are going to hinder her movements. She stands perfectly still for a moment, studying him. Even as a human he's taller and most likely stronger than her. That presents a challenge. She rolls back and shoulders and sighs before she jumps at him. If she can just pin him down then she'll have the upper hand.

@Painted-Iris group

Solis barely escapes her leap towards him, a bit of an amused expression on his face. Perhaps he wasn't as quick as he thought. It probably hadn't been a good idea to assume this form was capable of everything. He was human now. More fragile in this state. "Faster than you look," he said, allowing his grin to return.


"If I was wearing trousers than I would've caught you." Ophelia smiles at him, laughing. She hurries forward again and makes a grab for his arm. "Just give it up, Solis, I will catch you sooner or later." Well, she's not all that confident but he doesn't need to know that.

@Painted-Iris group

Solis scoots a bit further away, nearly tripping in the doorway. "Only if I let you," he replied in a cocky manner, raising a brow as well. It was quite fun to play like this. It nearly reminded him of when he was young, playing with the other dragonets. He was so small back then. Smaller than his current form as well. The dragon darted for the front door to make his escape. He originally wanted to tease Ophelia, but felt a bit competitive at the moment. He wanted to win this little battle. He had come up with the idea to release his transformation as soon as he made it far enough away from the house. See if you can pin me down then, little one.


(Sorry! I'm at the beach and the wifi is all sorts of wonky!)

Ophelia laughs quietly as she watches Solis nearly trip. Standing still for a moment, she blinks in surprise when he races for the front door. She takes after him after only a few more moments of hesitation. Hiking her skirts up, she speedily ties the sides into a knot to keep them out of the way. She hurries out of the front door and tries to catch up with them. The animals are startled by this sudden outburst. She calls out a quick apology to them before focusing on her mission. She's definitely going to catch him.

@Painted-Iris group

(No don't worry about it! Have fun on your trip and don't worry about replying, I can wait!)

Solis grins to himself as he watches Ophelia fiddle with her clothes to continue coming after him. He doesn't show her any mercy as the woman is a fierce opponent for a human. Weaving between the animals seems to cause them to make a noise of alarm. It wouldn't matter as he would give them even more of a fright in a few moments. The dragon would apologize to Ophelia later. The wind rushing through his hair was exhilarating as his legs pushed him farther and farther. He was getting the hang of this form! Turning, Ophelia was a few feet away, still jogging to reach him. Solis stood still and began speaking a foreign tongue until his body had a golden glow around him. His body grew as he lowered himself onto his hands and knees. His back sprouted wings and a tail, head already having the golden horns growing. Gradually, he looked more and more like the beast he was. His neck lengthened, clothes disappearing in trade for the red scales.
"See if you can pin me now, little human," Solis teased, lowering himself a bit to appear slightly less intimidating.


(I'm back! Sorry that I haven't gotten on sooner, things were insane for these last few days.)

Ophelia chases after Solis, going as fast as she possibly can without tripping over herself. Face planting wouldn't be fun. The animals all strongly protest to the running and the loudly make their displeasure known. She calls out an apology over her shoulder as she leaps over a small bale of hay. The top of her foot grazes it but no harm no foul. Weaving through her very upset goats, she makes a mental note to give them all treats later. It's the least she can do. She manages to catch up to Solis when he stops running. Right as she's about to grabs his shoulder, she notices the glowing. That can't be good. She scrabbles backwards, tripping over herself and falling on her rear end. Needless to say, it scares the crud out of her when a massive dragon takes the place of the human that had been standing there just moments ago.

"You are horrible!" She exclaims with a nervous laugh. This form doesn't bother her but it's terrifying when unexpected. She pulls the sandwich out of her pocket and tosses it jokingly at his face.

@Painted-Iris group

Solis is taken aback at the tiny food item being thrown at him, but chuckles lightly. He stops suddenly, noticing the bit of fear in her eyes. The dragon lowered his head slowly the rest of the way to the ground so he could look Ophelia in the eyes. "I am sorry to have frightened you. This was probably was not the best idea," he said, voice more mellow than before. In all truth, he hadn't expected Ophelia to be scared. He should have thought this through better. What's done is done though.


Ophelia hauls herself back up to her feet, dusting off her now muddy dress. She shakes her head lightly at his words. It’s not as though he had wanted to scare her, this was just him messing around. She’s not holding him accountable for that. “No apology necessary. You merely startled me. I was not expecting you to turn back into a dragon.” It’s not exactly that she’s scared, she just wasn’t expecting the sudden arrival of a huge dragon. The animals, on the other hand, clearly aren’t thrilled about this and are freaking out.

@Painted-Iris group

Solis simply hummed for a moment before turning his gaze onto the other animals in the distance. "What about your livestock? They do not seem calm in the least," the dragon stated. He was less worried about their fear than he was about them running off from Ophelia's land.


Ophelia looks over her shoulder, the wheels in her head turning. The fences should hold but she still needs to get her animals calm. She enters the pasture and works on getting Fritter, Lily, Georgie, and Molly settled down. The cats and Monty have all taken shelter in the house while the pigs and the chickens are cowering in their pins. It takes several minutes but she gets them all to the point where they will cautiously return to what they had been doing.

@Painted-Iris group

Solis frowns as he notices a few of the other creatures shaking in their tiny enclosures. Well, tiny for him. Sighing, the dragon stays where he lay, stretching the muscles in his wings slowly. He rolls the joint at their bases, enjoying the feeling of having them back. As soon as he finishes, Solis stays still as a rock on the ground. A gigantic red rock…


Ophelia scoots up Willa, the calico she-cat, and cuddles her close to her chest. Turning, she faces Solis. "Are you alright?" It seems as though he's upset. She steps over to him, ignoring the feeling of cat claws digging into her skin. The cat clearly doesn't seem thrilled but she doesn't squirm or try to break free. She runs her hand through Willa's fur to try and calm her down.

@Painted-Iris group

"Hm? Yes, I'm fine," he replies simply. The dragon wasn't upset as Ophelia assumed, he just prefered to keep the chaos to a minimum. It would be less work for the woman to do, and gave him a chance to relax and replenish his magic. Solis raises a brow at said human taking a few cautious steps towards him. "What confuses me is why you continue to hold an animal causing you harm in attempt to escape," he added.