forum *bongo playing that summons a O/O*
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Deleted user

Kanto huffed at him. “I could leave you here by yourself if I wanted to.”

Deleted user

"You would get even more lost and probably killed, yeah, you would get slaughtered." He says with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

Deleted user

Kanto rolled his eyes. “Says you! You are really smart and of-value, though…” He trialed off in thought.

Deleted user

"Yeah, I'm the only one here that thinks before he rushes in. Idiot."

Deleted user

Kanto stuck his tongue out at the other. “Stop being so grumpy!”

Deleted user

"Not being grumpy, being sensible. Something you have no clue how to do." He snarked.

Deleted user

Kanto crossed his arms and stopped, turning away from his companion. “I am ignoring you, now. So rude.”

Deleted user

"Your mother is rude, bitch." He signed with a huge motherfucking smirk, Ethan was rude as fuck and he knew it.

Deleted user

Kanto didn’t see his signing because his back was turned. His rude friend would have to learn to stop being rude.

Deleted user

(I'm just reminded of the vine where its like "You didnt ring a birthday gift to my brithday on my birthday?")