forum Blue Bloods and Boy Toys //open//OXO//
Started by @Dancing_With_My_Demons business

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@CaseyJ group

(I hope this works)

A short male stood near the wall, his blue-gray eyes scanning the people around, his gaze never lasting for more than a second. He wore darker colored clothes, with long sleeves and a cloak over his shoulders, the fabric loose and flowy to hide the blades he wore underneath. A taller male with the same color hair approached him, the taller male said something, not getting the shorter’s attention he moved directly into his line of sight. “Liam-”
Liam blinked a few times, “Oh- yes?”
“Are you just going to stand here the whole time?”
“I am working”
“No one asked you to work”
“Well I am sure no one would ask to be killed-”
“You are here to enjoy yourself”
“I am here because you made me come here Gainor”
Gainor shook his head and grabbed Liam’s arm, pulling him into the crowd. Liam pulled away from Gainor with a glare. “I wish you would stop”
“And I wish you would dance with someone, I already promised plenty of young women a dance with my brother”
“I am guessing you didn’t tell them which”
“Well… I said that he’s much better with a blade than I”
“And they assume you meant Tayon, not me”
“Eh, doesn't matter, I didn’t specify so, I’m not lying” Gainor smirked, “Just one dance Lee ''.
Liam sighed, “one dance, and you’ll leave me alone?”
Gainor nodded, “yes fine,” He pushed Liam in front of him into the crowd, leaving his younger brother alone.
Liam sighed, running his hand through his hair, scanning the people closest to him.

@CaseyJ group

(Imma have to look back at my notes to see if I made his appearance right- I think I missed something or got his hair color wrong)

@Dancing_With_My_Demons business

(sorry i got distracted)

Neo's nimble feet moved effortlessly across the dance floor, his body swaying in perfect sync with the rhythm. With each beat of the music, he seamlessly switched partners, spinning and twirling them around as if they were mere extensions of his own graceful movements.
He traded partners smoothly like a well-oiled machine, embracing every new dancer that came into his path. From salsa dancers to swing enthusiasts, from ballroom champions. Neo effortlessly transitioned between genres while leaving an indelible mark on each participant.

Finally the music stoped and Neo collapsed into a chair at one of the tables around the outskirts of the floor. Waving at one of the servants to bring him a drink. They did, and Neo drained it, whisky burning his throat as he handed the empty cup back to the servant.

@CaseyJ group

Liam noticed one male that seemed to stand out, maybe not to others, but to him. He carefully followed the stranger, watching him switch between dance partners, leaving them with a strange look. He watched the male sit and get a drink, and thought whether or not to approach him. It was only a matter of time before Gainor came after him again, meaning he would have to at least dance with one person, not that he wanted to. He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

@Dancing_With_My_Demons business

Neo picked at his nails. He knew that the moment he stood up he would be bombarded with requests to dance. He needed to get out of there. The room was getting too stuffy. He looked up at the giant clock hanging above the hall. It was just after 12. The masquerade won't be ending until well after 3am.

Neo looked around and stood up carful not to draw attention as he slipped into a dark hallway leading off the side.

@CaseyJ group

Liam's eyes followed the male as he slipped into a dark hallway, making him even more suspicious in Liam's eyes. He took a quick glance around before following him into the dark hallway, putting his left hand on his knife he had at his side.

@Dancing_With_My_Demons business

Neo wandered to the end of the hall where he opened a set of glass doors leading to a balcony. He pulled out a cigar which he promptly lit and stuck in his mouth. Blue smoke clouding around him.

He looked over the below land and the festivities happening when he felt a prickle on the back of his neck. He slowly moved the hand that was not supporting the cigar to the hilt of his sword, gripping it in preparation.

@CaseyJ group

Liam followed the male outside, making sure his hood was pulled up to hide his face as he pulled out the knife, hiding it behind himself.

@CaseyJ group

Liam stiffened, he was sure that he was being sneaky. "who are you? you're not from around here" he said, trying to sound intimidating despite being short.