"Alright. I think a walk around the city will be wonderful," He nodded, "There will not be a lot of people out because of work and school, but you will be able to get a feel for Bucharest."
There is one thing that gives him concern. Pictures. He recalled all of the rules that the officer had given him dealing with photos. They want the outside world to see the facade that Ceaușescu and the party want to maintain. Of course Kurt will probably see through this facade, but it is important to control this. It troubles Filip deeply. He doesn't want to help in this situation, and yet he has to in order to survive; but he doesn't want the lies to continue on.
Filip took a step closer to Kurt. Looking around, he makes sure that no one was close by. Chances are that someone is lurking in the shadows, but those are chances that he will take. He whispered, "Kurt, I must tell you that part of my job is to advise you when it is best to take pictures. There will be times that it'd be in your best interest to not take a picture of something."
Is there anything that he can let Kurt take pictures? He has no idea. The last time he recalls an American taking photos the man vanished. Filip wondered what ever happened to the man. He brought in his luggage and even spoke to the American a few times.
Should he say something about the other man? Sadly, he does not know much about the previous American guest aside from him being a businessman who took pictures. He really would only have the opportunity if they're alone in a secluded place.
He returned back to his spot. "You will be fine though. I am here to help you, Kurt," Filip said. He continued to speak in a low voice. "We must be careful with what we say and do while we are out, but I can assure you that everything is going to be okay. Do you have any questions before we go?"
The picture thing was troubling, but hardly surprising to Calvin. He had only been able to see a very specific image of the city from the media that Romania had shared, so it made a sick sort of sense. While part of him did want to expose the truth, it was important not only to his safety, but to the safety of the missing agent, that Calvin was not caught. Taking pictures sounded like a fast way to ensure that he was captured. At least he had a guide who seemed to know the city well, which was a comfort. He would listen closely to Simon's advice on the matter.
Being careful while going out shouldn't be too much of a challenge, since Calvin had been studying and practicing to be someone else already, having been careful with his words this entire trip so far. He would just need to keep up the act, and he should be okay. He at least trusted Simon to help him with navigating the city. Though that didn't mean Calvin actually trusted him much beyond that, so it wasn't as if he would be thinking of Simon as someone he could really trust. He was just assuming the man would be competent at his job. Though now that he thought about it, he had met several incompetent people before, and while Simon did not seem like of them, Calvin couldn't take his chances. He would be on guard throughout the trip, highly alert as he would need to be probably anywhere in this country.
"That is good to know, thank you," he responded, nodding solemnly. At the very least, it seemed like Simon wanted to help him in this regard. Still, one could never be too careful or too trusting here. He would keep a look out for anything strange. "I don't have any questions now, but I'll let you know if I think of something."
Without further ado, he turned on his left heel and made his way to the entrance. There was no doorman attending the position so he wrapped his hand around the handle and held it for Kurt. The sky had gotten a little darker as clouds rolled in front of the sun. Small streaks of light came through as the two men stepped outside.
"You can take a picture of the hotel. I think that may be a good idea," He suggested. "And maybe you would want to take pictures inside too? I believe there are portraits of Ceaușescu and Mother Elena somewhere near by…" Leaning over, he looked around to see if there were any. Those portraits are all over the place. Chances are they will run into them almost everywhere in the city. The eyes of the first couple watching them everywhere they go. It is outrageous.
Filip looked back over at Kurt. This is going to be difficult. Clearly there are sights the journalist is not allowed to take, but Filip wants him to. It is tempting. Tempting to do anything to undermine this world that he and others are living in. Tempting to sneak out and watch those American movies or to take down every picture of Ceaușescu and his wife. More importantly, it is tempting to pull the curtain on what is being hidden by the facade the world sees.
Some people were on the streets walking by. A few of them were officers, but there were simple civilians too. Not much car traffic though. Even during sunny days, it is bleak. One would not think much about it, but everything seen is tailored. Upholding an image, as his grandfather taught him, is vital to leaders.
"Well," He clasped his hands together. "Is there anything you would like to see in particular? We have beautiful architecture. There is University Square which is quite lovely."
(sorry for the brief hiatus!)
Calvin was interested in taking a few shots of the hotel and the pictures therein, though it was hardly his top priority. He would probably just take photos that he was told were okay or good to take by Simon for now before trying to branch out and get more that would be more helpful. He wanted to get some good shots, though seeing as that wasn't what his mission was for, it would be more of a background idea than a real priority.
Calvin did have his camera on him, tucked away in his briefcase for the moment. He didn't want to look too touristy or stand out too much here. His goal was to blend in as much as he could while getting information. He didn't want to look too obviously American to the locals as he walked with Simon, trying to be discreet. Any unwanted attention may prove to be more than just a mere annoyance in this case. He made mental notes on the things that Simon told him, nodding along as he listened.
As little as he cared about the architecture, Calvin figured that it would be a good way to get to know the city better, and knowing the city well could only benefit him in the long run. So that seemed as good a place to start as any, all things considered. Knowing his way around the city and the important places therein would give him more of an idea on where to start his search for the missing agent. Plus, he could make it seem as innocuous as possible, as if he were genuinely interested in architecture and wanted to learn more about the city he was currently living in (the last part was technically true).
"That sounds nice," Calvin agreed with a nod. "It could be good to get some photos of the architecture to really get a feel for the city." Thank god for having architect major friends back in college.
(It's all good! I should the same for mine. I'm going to be busy for the next few weeks, but I'll do my best to respond asap)
Filip tried to give the journalist a warm welcoming smile. The best option he has is to show the university square. What else can he do? Despite the odd feeling of curiosity being persistent, he has no other option.
Bucharest. All he knows is Bucharest. Don't get him wrong, he loves the city and he loves his country, but he yearns to see the outside world. He wants to go to all the places his grandfather told stories about. He wants to be in those cities they show in the movies. Despite having a life or death mission to uphold, he really wants to ask Kurt about some of those places. What are they like?
Filip awkwardly nodding his head at what Kurt said. "Well…Let's go this way then." He turned on his heel, and began to make his way down the street. His hands hovered at his sides, but his eyes were all over the place. They looked at the few people passing by or down the street, but they avoided gazing at Kurt.
The university will look nice. There's a park nearby too. All of it will be lovely for Americans to see in newspapers or whatever Kurt's work will be. It will be far from the reality that Filip knows. The reality that the secret police wants him to conceal.
(no worries! take your time :))
Calvin followed his companion like a little dog at his heels, though he quickly moved to stand side by side with the man. He had always felt odd trailing behind someone when going anywhere, vastly preferring to walk side by side whenever possible. It made conversation easier and made Calvin feel more equal to whoever he was with. It was a bit odd that Simon was avoiding Calvin's gaze, almost guilty, though more likely Simon just didn't feel like talking. Calvin could relate to that, not loving small talk much himself. Still, for some reason it unsettled Calvin. Sure, the weird reactions to Simon by the hotel staff were likely coincidence considering the last lack of a response, though Calvin still wasn't entirely convinced Simon wasn't hiding something important.
At it was, he tried to take in his surroundings as well. It would be good to know what was around here in case he needed to go looking for the missing American man. Besides, knowing the city's layout would serve him in a pinch. He needed as much information as he could possibly acquire.
"Do you know much about the University Square? Like when it was made, with what materials, that sort of thing," Calvin added, trying to remember what his architect friends used to get excited about. "It would be good to caption a photo with, I think."
Filip felt a bubbling feeling coursing through him. He always felt it everytime he went down to the University Square. Sometimes, when he was younger, he would go there and sit on the steps of the university building. It is a dream of his to go to university; to get a degree in something like English literature or writing, that's what he had yearned for ever since he could read English. But he hated this feeling at the same time. When will he ever get the chance to study? It is incredibly expensive meanwhile he has the eyes of Ceaușescu on him. Dreaming is hopeless, his father told him, but he is a fool for continuing to do it.
His lips scrunched up, going to the left. With a smile, he nodded. "Yes! My grandfather was a professor and he told me lots of things. He used to take me here when I was a boy," Filip beamed. He leaned over to whisper, "And he taught me English too."
"But umm…It is really beautiful and it is near the University of Bucharest too. It is my favorite part of the city…" He had to pause himself in order to find the right words. A black car rolled past them. Adrenaline made his head thump. "There are statues of Michael the Brave, Ion-Heliade-Rădlesu, Gheorghe Lazăr, and Spiru Haret, all great men of Romania. The walkways are made of cobblestone. There is a theater and another hotel close by. Although they had to fix damages to the theater from the earthquake tean years ago. You will like it Kurt. I hope you will."
Calvin listened to his companion talk, actually starting to get more interested in the university itself as he spoke. Simon clearly had a personal connection to the place, which Calvin respected. He realized how much he had taken his own education for granted thinking about it, since there were many people here who likely weren't able to get one for one reason or another. He looked over at the area around them as Simon described the university and the statues therein, wondering how all of this was connected. It would be good to have this information, so Calvin filed it away for later, thankful for his great memory. It wasn't photographic by any means, but definitely reliable most of the time. His guide having a personal connection to this area would also help Calvin remember the details.
"I believe I'll like it," Calvin agreed with a small nod. "It sounds like it has a rich history. It will definitely be a good place to start getting photos and putting together a piece on."
(i'm sorry it's so short, i'm trying to multitask rn)
Clasping his hands behind his back, he slowed down his pacing. The little smile on his face persisted. Filip wasn't sure why he was grinning, but he couldn't help it. "Yes, of course! I don't know how much Americans know about this place, but if they see your piece, I am sure they will learn a lot," He said. "It will be the best!"
They were still a few minutes away. He focused on listening to the sounds of shoes against the street. There wasn't really anything for him to point out as they walked. And everything that he must have Kurt avoid is far past the hotel. Besides, what is there for him to show Kurt other than the university and park? Silence fell over him as he tried to come up with something to say, something to keep the conversation going. Normally, Filip isn't the one to talk much, and yet, he kind of would like to talk. Not for sake of the mission that determines his life, but for the sake of curiosity.
Filip sighed, and asked, "So Kurt, you went to university, yes? What was it like?"