forum "As teeth sink into flesh." (OxO - MATURE) (Closed!)
Started by @bleeding_hearts

people_alt 76 followers


Name Meaning:
Age: (Preferably between 20-30)
Status: (Royal, noble, etc)
Species: (Can be whatever you like)
Distinguishing Features:
Usual Clothing Style:
Color Palette:

You can add as much as you'd like or remove whatever you'd like


Name: Xian Jingyi
Name Meaning:
Xian - Immortal, transcendent
Jingyi - Quiet, still, gentle
Aliases: Jiji
Nicknames: Hu zi, by his older sister.
Age: 24
Biologically: Cismale
Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Orientation: Bisexual, preference for men.
Status: Of Royal Lineage.
Kingdom: Xian Fang Empire
Title: Prince - First son of the King. Soon to become king.
Species: Unknown, appears human but the royal family has underlying abilities passed down from generation to generation.
Appearance: General - But here are some notes real quick. It should be noted that all accessories are silver, due to purple, black, and silver, being the colors of his empire. His hair is notably longer, it reaches down to his mid thighs when completely down. His hair is usually tied up with a simple purple ribbon, on more important occasions, he is wearing the style in the image. He has many scars along his body. He's somewhat tall, about average height of 5'8.
Distinguishing Features: On his back there is a snake tattooed along his spine.
Usual Clothing Style: A simple deep purple outer robe that reaches slightly past his knees and has long flowing sleeves, decorated with a black corset, with silver designs sewn into the fabric. He wears black pants underneath, and knee high boots with a slight heel. The sleeves are bunched into silver gauntlets so that his hands are free. His fingertips are covered in intricately designed finger claws (note, these can do damage and it is most common for royalty to wear them).
Color Palette
Personality: Jingyi fits into his name rather well. He appears quiet, still, and gentle. He appears to be a kind, gentle ruler. Jingyi is incredibly bright, thinks quickly on his feet, and has incredibly fast reflexes. He's smart, dedicated, and extremely tired of being looked down on. He is someone that has been underestimated his entire life, and he is tired of feeling that way. He trained by himself, he dedicated himself to becoming stronger, and he's incredibly volatile. He has the patience of a god, but don't take that for granted in the slightest. Jingyi is someone who assesses others constantly, like a snake circling prey. That patience is always him watching, adjusting, making plans. Don't get me wrong, he's a good dude- just slightly complicated.
Powers: He is believed to be the first of his blood to be born without powers. (Note: This is untrue) Jingyi has powers, however he is a late bloomer. He was so used to being treated weak that when he gained his abilities he kept them under wrap so that it's a trick he has up his sleeve.

  • Immortality: The Xian Empire's royal family has the blessing of immortality. Thus the name. However, it's just that they age fairly slowly. They can die by a normal weapon (note, all poisons do not affect them), but can live 5x longer than the average human (Think elves). When marrying into the royal family, those who are bound by blood also become "immortal". - It must be noted that the blood is given consensually.
  • Jingyi has two gifts specifically.
  • Born with immunity. Jingyi can resist a majority of magic and curses, thus immunity.
  • Late blooming gift, Jingyi can heal others and himself. It comes at the cost of taking the wound upon his own body for a short amount of time (small wounds can take only about 30 seconds to heal, the larger the injury, the longer the heal time). As for healing himself, his body has accelerated healing. The same amount of time applies to his.

Weapons: Jingyi carries two scythes that connect by a chain. There is a handle in the middle of the chain that can detach so that he can use both hands.
Companions: A small black snake, that can expand to 10x her size. Her name is Liu. Usually she is seen wrapped around his wrist or neck.
History: Doesn't like to talk about it much, good luck getting it out of him.


Name: Prince Lysander Ravenscroft

Name Meaning: Lysander means "liberator of a man" and Ravenscroft is a family name of noble lineage.

Aliases: None

Nicknames: Lys, Ander

Age: 26

Biologically: Cismale
Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Orientation: Gay

Status: Royal

Kingdom: Veridian

Title: Prince of Veridian

Species: Loup-Garou

Appearance: Lysander has a striking appearance with ebony black hair, sleek and well-groomed. He stands tall and regal, with a strong and well-proportioned physique. His piercing yellow eyes exude an air of authority and confidence. He has a few silver streaks in his fur, which is a sign of his condition. Ragged scars cover his body, most able to be covered by regular clothing. Lysander's lupine form is a majestic sight to behold. The giant black wolf stands as a formidable and majestic creature in the dim forest, a creature of both strength and mystery. Its fur, as dark as the night itself, absorbs the surrounding shadows, rendering it almost invisible among the trees. This massive wolf is a sight to behold, exuding an air of primal authority.
The most striking feature of this imposing creature is its eyes, a piercing, almost unearthly yellow. They seem to gleam with an inner fire, like twin orbs of molten gold set within the depths of darkness. These eyes hold a hypnotic quality, simultaneously capturing one's attention and sending shivers down the spine. They radiate intelligence and a profound connection to the ancient and mystical.

Distinguishing Features: Lysander has a distinctive crescent-shaped scar on his right shoulder, a mark from a childhood incident that made him what he is. He also wears a family heirloom pendant around his neck, a twisted silver tree with a sapphire at its center, symbolizing his royal lineage.

Usual Clothing Style: Lysander is often seen in regal attire befitting his royal status. He wears intricately designed black and silver robes with a deep blue cape adorned with silver embroidery. On formal occasions, he dons a crown embedded with sapphires. For more casual settings, he opts for well-tailored trousers and high-collared shirts.

Color Palette: Lysander's color palette revolves around dark and elegant colors, primarily black, silver, and deep blue.

Personality: Lysander, the kingdom's sweetheart, possesses a unique blend of quiet charm and innate charisma that makes him beloved by all. His soft-spoken nature is a source of comfort to his subjects, who find solace in his calming presence. With a genuine warmth in his heart, he listens intently to every concern and celebrates every achievement within his realm, creating a strong bond of trust and affection. His charm lies in his ability to connect with people on a personal level, making each individual feel valued and cherished. But beneath his serene exterior lies the heart of a true warrior. Lysander is resolute and unyielding when it comes to protecting his kingdom and those he loves. His inner strength is unwavering, and he is a formidable presence on the battlefield, a testament to his commitment to safeguarding the kingdom.


-Enhanced Physical Strength

-Enhanced Speed and Agility

-Enhanced Senses



Weapons: His primary weapons include a finely crafted silver bow and a rapier with a silver hilt, both passed down through generations

Companions: None

History: Born into the noble Ravenscroft family, Lysander was groomed from a young age to be a wise and benevolent ruler. He received an excellent education in diplomacy, etiquette, and combat. His family has ruled the Veridian Kingdom for generations.

Other: The rare blood moon turns him feral. He must be heavily sedated and imprisoned in a secure cage outside of the kingdom's borders. This is why he missed the last part of the war.


Ah should clarify, Xian is his last name lmao. It's a title, basically. So! Where should we start? Their first meeting, or the aftermath of the war and now Lysander is being dragged to the castle, or?


Ah shit sorry. I totally misread that. Thanks for clarifying!!! Let’s have Lysander be dragged to the castle and start their meeting. Will he be taken to the dungeon or what?