forum "As death wraps her fingers around my neck, all I see is you." (OxO, MATURE) (Open!)
Started by @bleeding_hearts

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Should I be doing this? Absolutely not, but finals are killing me and I'm in hysterics so here we go. As a general note, I've been playing Baldur's gate NONSTOP so I've been having brain rot of that too. It will MILDLY (and I mean mildly) affect the plot.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT FOR YOUNGLINGS (tbh none of my rps are) Themes such as: Suicide, Abuse (mentally, physically, etc etc), Death, Blood, Gore, so on so forth. Just overall it's like- a lot and I'd rather not upset someone. This will most likely have sexual themes (this of course will be taken to DM's to respect andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s Rules, or just completely skipped over, depending on your comfort level) as well so I would be aware of that. SO.

~General Premise~

Basics, at least.

So. The scenario I'm thinking of is basically a reluctant strangers to friends, to lovers type story. One filled with adventure, magic, dragons, etc. I'm a sucker for various tropes, so we can definitely discuss. But I'd like the characters to have relatively opposite backgrounds.

Your character is welcome to be anything, just don't make them completely overpowered.

~General Rules~

  • Moderately long responses please! I prefer detailed answers. If your response takes you a few days, that's fine. I like detailed, long replies. They don't have to be perfect, but I do like longer responses, it feels like there's more to develop and whatnot.

  • On that note, I would like to point out that I prioritize willingness to learn, so as long as you have well thought out answers and not something like "She sniffled." As your response, we should be okay. Sometimes writing block hits, sometimes we don't know where to continue, and that's okay.

  • Literature, preferably experienced. I won't hold it to anyone if their grammar isn't perfect. But I would like the responses to make sense, and I would like someone who flows well with my writing style. That being said, If I deny your rp style it is nothing against you. I hope that is understandable.

  • LGBTQIA+ is always, and will always be welcome. Your character can be anywhere on the spectrum. Any sexuality, any gender, etc. This is a safe place. In fact I'd rather the rp be queer lmao.

  • This roleplay is MATURE. Anything explicit will be moved to DM's or a Fade to Black situation to respect andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules. Relationships in this story are totally fine (I'm actually kind of aching for a romance ngl).

  • There will be triggering topics (as I have listed above, and there will be more) Violence, death, questionable choices, threatening situations, blood, gore, so on so forth, will be present. Please for the love of god, tell me your triggers so that we can avoid those moments. I will either give a heads up if something is mentioned OR we can completely skip over those moments. This is supposed to be enjoyable for the both of us.

  • Swearing? I don't give a fuck. Just don't use slurs. I will no longer reply, or roleplay with you.

  • Your character can be an asshole, but you cannot be an asshole. Be a decent human being please.

  • I'll post a character template if that's wanted.


Full Name:
Name Meaning:
Gender: (Biological, Identity, Pronouns):
Age: (Preferably 20-30, can be older.)
Species: (Can be fantasy based)
Occupation: (Royalty, rogue, vagabond, etc)
General Appearance:
Defining Features:

@RhysTheFirebird group

Name: Ilya Aslanov
Age: 24 (Almost 25)
Gender: Male He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Half Elf/Half Human
Eyes) He has soft, yet piercing emerald green eyes that are framed with medium-long lashes that are slightly darker than his hair color.
Hair) Fair, sandy blond hair that’s always neatly combed or a rats nest. There is no inbetween for him. His hair is high and tight, the top is about 4 inches long.
Height) 5’7”
Weight) 142 lbs
Body Type) Ectomorph
Personality: Quiet, but loud at the same time. Meaning his words and voice may be quiet, but his presence is big. Ilya usually uses bigger words instead of smaller ones, and many times has gotten made fun of for his bigger vocabulary. Though, you’ll notice he uses smaller words when his emotions are heightened. He’s soft tempered with a long rope of patience, though once that patience runs out, you’ll wish it never had.
He has a soft spot for all animals, and will immediately melt upon seeing one. Usually into a fit of squeals and giggles.
In public, Ilya is reserved and doesn’t speak much. Only saying what he has to in as few words as possible. Most people think that he thinks he’s above everyone, because he doesn’t talk much and avoids people. Most citizens hate his guts and would rather see him dead than take over his father’s company. But none of this is true. Ilya cares deeply for the people and does his best to do things in their best interests.
- Animals; They are just to cute to not like.
- Reading; He loves learning and reading is relaxing for him. (He looks AbSoLuTlY adorable in his reading glasses. Somehow they manage to soften his appearance)
- Learning; He loves gaining knowledge, and knows a bunch of useless facts.
- Being Constantly Watched; (Cause, drama) He likes his privacy.
- Being Touched; He doesn’t like it if you didn’t ask and will deck you if you do touch him without permission.
- His Father; He just has a natural is;Ike to the man, but he tolerates him.
- Sparing; He’s always prepared for pretty much anything (Thinks having a bodyguard is useless)
- Reading; Any kind of book will engross him for hours.
- Stone skipping; He finds it strangely relaxing.
- Arachibutyrophobia; The fear of having peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.
- Frigophobia; The fear of the cold
- Acrophobia; The fear of heights.
Mental) Mild anxiety
Physical) N/A
Occupation: Uh. . Business owner (Though, technically, it’s still his dad’s)
Background: Ilya was born and instantly gravitated towards his mother, deeply displeasing his father. Ilya has always preferred the company of his mother, naturally avoiding his father. This behavior continues as Ilya gets older and even when his mother dies (Age 7). After she dies, Ilya does his best to do as his father asks. Meeting his expectations.
Even though they don’t get along, Ilya’s father does care for him on some level, and as he gets older, shows some concern for Ilya’s safety.
Other: N/A