forum Anyone up for some gay fluff? O/O
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Name: Halo Starr
Halo is very soft spoken, sweet, kind, gentle and altogether a very shy and tender person. He's got soft gold hair, almost a pure white color and eyes that seem to be made of glass. He's very thin and pale, with scars along his chest and back. He won't talk about them. He's short for the average male, only about 5'5.


(alrighty, Mika works as a barista, he lives in a crappy apartment, and he spends a lot of time at the vet's bc one of his cats has cancer)


Mika sighed, turning around the sidewalk corner as he walked past people near the park. This was the third time this week that he'd had to bring Yang, his cat, to the vet. She was getting a lot worse.


Halo was taking pictures of the park. It wad in such a warm light he felt prompted to. He hums looking down at his camera and not really paying attention to where he was going.


Mika looked down at Yang, who was asleep in his arms. He smiled and scratched her softly behind her whiskers. She blinked slowly at him and purred. Mika smiled, continuing to pet her instead of looking where we was walking.


Mika blinked and Yang was so startled, she nearly jumped out of his arms. He looked at the guy, smiling apologetically. "It's alright, it's my fault, I should've been paying attention."


Halo smiled softly. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you." He says happily. "I was about to head to work. I'm running a little late. Maybe I'll see you around?" He smiles warmly.