forum Anyone on during school? (one on one, Gay or Lesbian)(Closed)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

"Don't make me wack you!" Sebation looked at Evan and glared.

Deleted user

"Ooh Kinky." He sassed, not caring if he got hit. He did have 15 siblings he was pretty used to it. Being whacked was his siblings be nice. He yawned and hugged the pillow tighter.

Deleted user

Sebastion snickered. "You want to do this hard way? Then let's do this the hard way," Sebastion climbed over Evan and pinned his hand above his head.

Deleted user

His hand went over, and grabbed your wrist, and using his body mass and force, threw you off the bed. "No. I want to fucking sleep you bastard." Evan was obviously not a morning person as he disappeared back under the blankets, all of him, hands going between his legs as he curled into a ball.

Deleted user

The demon growled and pushed the sheets off the bed. "I swear to Satan himself I will get you off this bed!" he smirked and picked Evan up and held him over his shoulder. "DOn't make me change you by force.

Deleted user

"Oh my god I'm not 6, let me fucking sleep you asshole!" He said glaring, before kicking your thigh, aiming for your dick.

Deleted user

"Nope, guess I'll have to force you to get dressed," He put Evan down in a chair and locked the restraints. "Okay…" Sebastion dressed Evan in a suit. He put a collar around Evan with a chain. He then unlocked the restraints and pulled the chain. "Let's go, my pet."

Deleted user

He gave you a look. "Excuse me? Your shitting me right? I am no submissive." He said then sighed. "I've been humilated worse than this so…" He laid flat on his stomach and basically went limp and became dead weight,fuming with anger.

Deleted user

"Whatever I'll drag you," Sebastion drag Evan by the color then tied the chain to the chain handle. He sat Evan up in the chair. He started to make breakfast which was eggs and bacon.

Deleted user

"Your a fucking ass ya know that? No respect. Anyways I have classes in an hour or so, so…" He sighed as he walked off, after picking up the chair, and came back casually texting on his phone as he sat back down. Just accepting it.

Deleted user

"Who said you were going to classes?" Sebastian said moving the chair back then bolting it to the ground. "You realize you're in hell now right? You're not going anywhere."

Deleted user

"Uh me? I still have a life on Earth. I need to go to class! It's why I was traded so both of us could have better living space and have all our debt paid off." He sighed. "Please? I'll do anything if I can go to classes. Sex? Done. Clean? Done. I'm willing to do anything for my career."

Deleted user

"One, I'm not fucking you. Two, your debt is already cleared. Third, what the hell fo you mean by clean. Fourth, I don't care. What do you even do for your career?" He sat down in the chair next to Evan. "Enlighten me."

Deleted user

"I want to become my own film producer,to help bring more light and understanding to the LGBTQ+ community." He stated simply."Then what the hell AM I here for? Just to grovel? That sounds pretty lame. To be tortured?"

Deleted user

"Wow, that sounds, monumental. It might change society and guess what, I don't fucking care. I don't give a shit and being able to torture someone is heavan~!" Sebation licked his lips. "Like I said you're not going anywhere. In hell, none of that matters. I don't care if people need you because we're here now."

Deleted user

"Wow you're an asshole. How am I supposed to fall in love if a bastard like you is the only guy I'm stuck with for eternity. Luckily, my mom is friends with Satan. Sort of? So I guess if I REALLY need to leave I could always just contact her."

Deleted user

"Down here there is no love. It's only blood and guts and torture. You can't contact your mom because she's busy being tortured by her worst nightmare. You can leave because of that chair," He argued.

Deleted user

He sighed and sat there, crossing his legs. "Someone is hopeless. Have you ever loved?" He asked, as he watched you cook. "Ever been loved?"

Deleted user

"yeah…once…but never again. I will never love again you fucking here me!" he slammed his fist on the table then started to cook. "Once you fall in love down here, you'll be ruined forever. Found that out the hard way. So, you want to get laid go get laid. Once they're done with you they'll leave you on the side of hell."

Deleted user

He sighed. "I've loved before. First love never lasts. Second love you learn. Third love you stay. Our family heavily believes in the rule of three. I wish to love again. Belong somewhere." He sighed. "I'm surprised you'll never love again."

Deleted user

“This is hell not the mortal world kid. Isn’t that a song you just stated?” He asked looking back.

Deleted user

"What? No. And Hell or not, you guys don't have souls not hearts." He sighed, his face falling as he stared at the table,itching at the suit a bit.

Deleted user

“Now, that’s just not true,” he chuckled. “Stop assuming things about us! We’re not what you think we are!”

Deleted user

"I'm just going based off of what I know." He sighed, enjoying the sound of your chuckle. It was dark, but kinda sadistically sweet. Hypnotizing. Like dark chocolate. "And if you've loved once, wouldn't you be able to someday love again?"

Deleted user

“Maybe, but for right now eat up,” he smiled and placed the food in front of Evan.