forum Anyone on during school? (one on one, Gay or Lesbian)(Closed)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

He rolled his eyes. "Didn't know that." He sighed and went to go shower, singing in the shower."

Deleted user

Sebastian waited on the bed for Evan to get out of the shower. He rolled around and his shirt rose up half way, but he didn't notice though.

Deleted user

He came out,naked, hot as hell as he got changed,humming a bit.

Deleted user

"You know you could put on a towel right? Like, I know you're hot and everything, but still. Once you change we can head out," he sat up and laid his hand on his cheek. He definitely is trying to seduce me. This can't go on for much longer. I won't be able to hold back anymore.

Deleted user

"Huh? Oh no I'm just comfortable around you. I'll keep on a towel if it really bothers you that much." He shrugs as he dries off his hair, shrugs, grabs his bag, and makes sure he has everything with a shrug. (Isn't trying to seduce you at all)

Deleted user

(It's sarcasm)
Sebastian flopped back down and looked at the ceiling. He sighed.

Deleted user

"So then, we ready to go? And what are we going shopping for this time?" He asked, sitting on the bed.

Deleted user

"Food," he stood up and opened the door walking out the room. "Close the door please." he clicked the elevator button and waited.

Deleted user

He nodded and followed,closed the door,eyed you,and raced down the stairs.

Deleted user

Once he got to the first floor he walked out of the elevator and started walking out the door.

Deleted user

Evan followed him, smiling. "Wait why do we need food? Don't they have food here?" He asked,looking at you.

Deleted user

"Yeah, but I always eat food here and I want it from somewhere else. What do you suggest?" he asked walking down the street.

Deleted user

He shrugged. "No idea. I'm never really around the fancier part of town. OH! If you're up to going downtown, we can go to the small diner my uncle runs."

Deleted user

He eyed you, and texted someone. After about 10 minutes up pulls one of his sisters. Clara. Black hair, leather jacket, could kill demons if she wanted. She pulled up on a motorbike, with a little side car attached to it, and handed us both helmets. Evan put on a blue one, and you were handed a pink one. "Sorry, but safety." She shrugged, and took a long drag off a cigarette as Evan got on behind her. She looked at you expectantly. "Well? Cmon I ain't got all day."

Deleted user

"Really? I'd rather walk than to be seen in a pink helmet," He gave the helmet back. "I'll just run next to you thanks."

Deleted user

She took off just like that. Speeding off, barely anyone would ever be able to keep up, running anyways. Evan laughed and hollered, hugging close to Clara as they rode along on her motorcycle. He took off the helmet, his hair blowing everywhere in the soft sunlight. He looked purely adorable like this with a wide grin like this and lights in his eyes.

Deleted user

"Might want to put that helmet on," he said to Evan running the same speed as the motorcycle without breaking a sweat. "I hope you realize I'm not human. Still a demon. So, I can run faster than you if I wanted."

Deleted user

Clara rolled her eyes. "Let him have his fun,cock head." She dodges between cars. "Also,do you really want people finding out your a demon?" She asks as he stuck his tongue out.

Deleted user

"See, I don't care because I'm never going to see these people again and they can't do anything about it." He followed next to the motorcycle and shrugged.

Deleted user

She shrugged,and turned,and slowed down in front of a small little run down diner. Evan got off and tried to fix his wind blown hair, failing miserably.

Deleted user

"Let me help you with that," he chuckled and fixed Evan's hair for him. Doing it easily. "There, perfect. This the place?"

Deleted user

He nodded, smiling a bit at you fixing his hair. Clara sighed as she checked her watch. "You owe me one Evan. I've gotta get back to work. See ya kid." She ruffles his hair and drives off, making him glare. "I JUST got this fixed!" He groans.

Deleted user

Sebastian sighed and fixed it again. “Come on, because I’m hungry and you know this place better than I do.”

Deleted user

Evan nodded and followed inside, humming a bit as he sorta danced inside, lost in his own world. It really was quite well, cute really.