@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
“I don’t want you getting hurt…” He frowned, not letting her go.
“I don’t want you getting hurt…” He frowned, not letting her go.
" I won't get hurt " she said " I promise baby" she whispered seductively in his ear
He felt himself starting to melt, but he didn’t want her to go alone still. “You have to promise to come back.”
" I promise to come back" she said
Pressing a few more kisses to her face, he let go. “I love you.”
"I love you too" she quickly let the room and got dressed in a black dress that stopped upper thigh
He tried to keep from coloring, glancing at her lower half. “You sure that’s the smartest thing to wear, to blend in?”
" It's all I have" she said
“You can borrow something that was in the drawer I got my pajamas from.” He offered, reaching out to her.
" Victor this is from.the drawer I'm not wearing pajamas" she said
“No, there were clothes in the top drawer.” He explained, walking over to the dresser.
She sighed and opened the drawer taking out a blue button up shirt and blue jeans
“You don’t have to, I can just see that being a little… flashy to the human men down here.”
" would you like to stay while I change" she said in an almost serious teasing tone
Biting his lower lip, he flirted his gaze up to her face. “Wouldn’t that make you… uncomfortable?”
"No" she said with a smile
Biting his lip, he shrugged. “I mean, why not?” He asked softly under his breath.
She didn't face him but reached under her dress she pulled down her shorts she had o
He didn’t exactly watch her, just glanced at her every couple of seconds. He was too embarrassed to do so.
She chuckled slipping off her dress
His face was growing warmer by the second, his heart pounding. He had never talked to a girl much, so this was out of the question for him. Turning away from her, he covered his mess of a face.
She giggled slipping on her clothes she walked past him out of the room
Feeling her brush past him, he spoke quickly. “Wait!” He called, lifting his head from his hands. Hopping off the bed, he ran after her.
She stopped turning to look at him
“Kiss me goodbye?” He asked softly, taking her hand. His face still red.
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