forum Angel (rp O/O Romance/ r rated) OPEN
Started by @Honeybee_

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Satisfied, Jake looked back down to his book.

Adrienne opened her book again but didn’t look down to it, instead keeping an eye on Natalie, “Thank you…you do too.”


She let her words bask in silence in a moment before going to speak but not being able to find the right words. “You’re quite gorgeous yourself, you know” she hummed, the warm light shifting in her wide eyes as she moved slightly


Adrienne smiled, not quite flustered yet, but she did appreciate the compliment. Natalie didn’t look too bad herself, “I appreciate that..what’s your last name?” It might have sounded stalkerish to say it aloud, but she needed her last name to google everything about Natalie and see if they could have any interest in each other beyond physical attraction.
After her last relationship she’d become much more analytical in her approach to new relationships.


"Aubergiste. French family, born here, speak English, even if you can hear the accent" she replied, her eyes glancing down at the book the was holding in her own hands before looking back up at her again, her eyes warm with light.

"Why?" she asked, hoping she didn't mind the question.


Adrienne didn’t mind the question at all. Of course someone would be curious, it was an unusual question to ask someone the first time they met. “I just want to get to know you as soon as possible,” she answered honestly, as she reasoned there was no reason to lie. She had nothing to hide, “And the fact that I am slightly interested in you.”

Jake just kept on smiling as he watched the two of them. After his friend’s bad breakup, which was months ago, he was glad she was interested in someone else again. With his help of course~


She laughed softly, slipping a bookmark into her book, which was really just the receipt, "Only slightly?" she asked, shifting again in her chair. This girl was fun to flirt with.


Adrienne stayed leaned back in her own seat, but kept her eyes on Natalie, “Only because we’ve just met.” She rested a hand over her midsection as a habit, “You don’t know anything about me, nor I you. Apart from our names.”


"Well I guess that's fair" she replied, sitting back too and taking a sip of the iced tea she had gotten earlier from the cafe near by.


April glanced at her drink, “What is that?” She tilted her head, “Iced coffee or tea?” She crossed her legs, resting her book in her lap again.


"Close guesses, but it's iced tea" she replied, subconsciously moving closer to Adrienne as she spoke. This girl was gorgeous.


Oops, I mixed her up with another one of my characters)

Adrienne allowed herself to smile, but just enough to slightly curve the corner of her lips, but it was a smile nonetheless, “I assumed it was an iced some sort of beverage.”


“Well, you were right.” She smiled, desperate to make conversation with this beautiful woman. “What book are you reading?” She asked, looking down at the girl’s book and trying to see the cover


She tilted her book up to show her, “It’s a collection of scientific essays about human biology and reproduction. Are you interested?” She lifted an eyebrow to the attractive young lady in front of her with a playful grin plastered to her face. Natalie couldn’t be much younger than her; maybe a year, she guessed.


"Biologie d'Humain ? C'est écrit à l'avant" she said before she could answer, her voice thick with a french accent. She soon realized she'd spoken french, which was normally only while on the phone with friends back in Europe. "Sorry, I normally only speak french with good friends back in Europe" she explained, her eyes leaving the other's face in embarrassment and trailing the outside of her own book in her lap.


“It’s fine,” Adrienne dismissed, “What did you say? In English this time,” she teased, uncrossing her legs. She shifted forward to listen, one hand bracing her stomach.


"The title of your book is on the front page, that's how I figured it out" she replied, leaning back in her chair as she watched her carefully.


“Oh,” she recalled and turned the book around to look at the cover, “Yes. I’ve been needing to educate myself on the topic recently.”

Jake tapped his foot as he read his own book, pretending not to be listening to their conversation.


"For school?" she asked, hoping to keep the conversation going. Hopefully, she wasn't overbearing, she really wanted to get to know her.


Adrienne shook her head, “I graduated high school last year and I’m taking a gap this year before college for..” she glanced off to the side to think of a word, “..personal reasons,” she brushed it off.


"That's cool" she replied, shifting in her seat. "Other than non-fiction, is there anything else you enjoy reading?" she asked, hopeful that she wasn't intruding too much.


Adrienne nodded, "I like science fiction," she answered, "some historical fiction too, especially if its more fact based instead of made up."


"I guess I can't agree with you too much on that. I read medical stuff all day, so I prefer to let my mind wander when I have free time," she replied, brushing hair out of her face. "I do like documentaries though" she added, looking over at her as a smile pricked the corners of her lips.


Adrienne finally, genuinely, mirrored the prickling smile, “I like documentaries too. Particularly ones about human psychology.” For her, now it was a playful competition about who ingested the most intellectual media.


“Well, I’m embarrassed to say I couldn’t top you on that. Forensic sciences has always interested me but I’ve been too busy to read up on it” she replied, looking her in the eyes, biting her own lip when she saw the smile come onto her face. “You have a very gorgeous smile” she blurted out, her grin turning slightly sheepish after she spoke, embarrassed that she’d blurted out again