forum and we’ve got poetry that’s written on our unwashed hands (o/o, an AU of sorts)
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Deleted user

Alistair Hyde only wanted to make music. But he lived in a family of lawyers and doctors with a serious grudge against another family of lawyers and doctors, who both made up something of a mafia that terrorized the city to no end. There was no reason for the rivalry that wasn’t long dead, but neither family really knew where it had all started to say the least. But one thing was certain: the Jekyll family wasn’t getting a break from him anytime soon, if he could help it for ruining his life with their stupid grudge. So he became a lawyer, the best the family had ever seen. But when a sudden transformation happens in his life, in a way you wouldn’t think could happen, he starts to question everything he’s ever known- and even, what started the grudge in the first place.

Basically it’s Jekyll and Hyde but Romeo and Juliet but modern and without the romance mostly just the grudge cause I think it’s funny.

Anyways Alistair turns into a super beefy alter ego at some point in the story that likes three things, sex, beating people up who make him mad, and alcohol. He’s basically me but with less self restraint and buff. Literally that’s the extent of his characterization for now. But he will have depth soon enough… cough.

Anyways let’s get into this then. I’ll post a template when someone comes along to join. Have fun y’all. Any naughty bits will be taken to DMs lol 😈.

Deleted user

Also your character will be playing Alistair’s boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, I require this to be t4t because yes.