@PaperHats business
(We could combine the two and do McKelly or something along those lines lol. Also (fun fact) Moxie was originally supposed to be like… 9 years old so playing her older is gonna be weird. Fun challenge though :D)
(We could combine the two and do McKelly or something along those lines lol. Also (fun fact) Moxie was originally supposed to be like… 9 years old so playing her older is gonna be weird. Fun challenge though :D)
(Ahah that works for me!)
(And that does seem like a challenge~)
(Quick question, how much Gravity Falls ae we thinking? Do we want to have a main villain? Or just kinda have it be strange creatures in the woods/ towns folk are odd)
(I like the just strange woods / creatures and if we see a good chance to make a main villain, then we can? Honestly I’m a fan of just seeing where things go.)
(Works by me! Before we start, do we need to work anything else out?)
(I dont think so. Unless you want to figure out who will write the aunt/uncle? I figured you might want to because it’s your idea, but I’d be happy to help, if you’d like)
(We could split it 50/50, or maybe one of us write the aunt/uncle and the other (instead of a best friend) could write for a cousin?)
(Sounds good! Totally your choice on who gets what. Which one would you prefer to write?)
(Oh gosh, maybe for the aunt/uncle. But I don't care terribly, so if you have a preference please do ask)
(That works :D I’d love to write the cousin. Should we make like… really small profiles for them or just go in blind? I’m fine with either.)
(Oh yeah, maybe just a quick summary? Like name and appearance. And possibly personality too?)
(Alrighty, that works. I’ll get one up in a bit)
(Take your time! I'll work on mine as soon as possible!)
Name: Regan "Reg" McKelly
Gender: Male h/h
Appearance: He is rather tall (Around 6') with a decent muscle build. His eyes are a honey colored brown, almost the same color as his dark blonde hair. He wea a bright smile on his rounder face, surrounded by a slight scruff in a goatee like fashion.
Personality: Reg is a very collected man, not easy to anger. He attempts to help you out, as long as it doesn't affect him too badly. Reg is nice all-in-all, but can bed kind of greedy on the other hand. He's normally pretty happy, as long as his family is though.
Name: Tyler Ryan McKelly
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Appearance: Shaggy dark brown hair with light grey eyes. His skin is tanner and has light freckles, with some minor cuts and scratches from exploring the woods around his house. He’s roughly 4’3” and slightly skinny, but it lets him slip in and out of small places.
Personality: Very kind and follows rules by anyone who holds any kind of authority (aka almost every older person he knows, including Alexa and Moxie). He loves everything and everyone, but can be shy when first meeting someone. He loves nature and the natural world… although his definition of “natural” may be slightly off, due to always living in the “interesting” woods around his house. He loves to befriend all the woodland creatures, and knows most of them by heart. He enjoys tagging along with his older cousins most of the time, because it makes him feel “grown up.”
(Reg sounds fun :D This’ll be great)
(Ahh Thank you! Tyler is super cute, and I think he's a good age. If anything, possibly bumping it up a year or two , but that's up to you!)
Name: Lila (Previous Surname: Princeton) McKelly
Gender: Female
Appearance: Lila has a darker tone, being naturally tan. Her hair is a very dark red, almost considered brown. It short and quirky, reaching her shoulders exactly. Her face is shorter and round, giving her a more childish look even while she's over 25. Her eyes are a soft dark blue, that set her apart from the rest. She stands at around 5'8'', with a thinner shape.
Personality: Lila is a very talkative and friendly woman. She's a huge social butterfly, and sometimes rather obnoxious because of it. She's always sweet though, never meaning to annoy you. She always is an encouraging spirit, trying to boost your spirits and keep you happy.
(Alright, I made him a little older. And Lila’s awesome!)
(As it goes on, I'll develop them more. For now they're going to stay pretty simple. But thank you! I still really love Tyler, ahah)
(Thank you! :D I love both Reg and Lila too)
(Haha, thank you! Are we ready to start then?)
(I think so)
(Do you want to write up the starter, or would you prefer I did? I don't care either way)
(Honestly me either. You can, if you’d like to set the tone and setting for it, and I’ll match it)
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