@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
I wanna do a rp based on this song:
Details to be discussed when someone joins.
please, I just want one that won't die
I wanna do a rp based on this song:
Details to be discussed when someone joins.
please, I just want one that won't die
I've listened to the song, however before I ask to join may I ask what this would be about first?
So, I've got a general idea as to what I think would work with the song, but it can be altered as needed.
A wind-up automation rage doll (me) is found in an attic (your's or someone else's). The doll is wound, and it is found that it's 'blood' has healing properties. Because of this, the doll is taken, nails are driven into it to draw the blood. It has strips of cloth tied to its upper arms to keep more blood from flowing into it, and then all the blood is drained from that arm. The doll begs for mercy, and you're character eventually pities it. You steal it away, and everything is hunky-dory. Soon, though, it's doing that the doll's version of the amygdala (a part of the brain that controls emotion) was rotted away, so the doll has massive mood swings
Ahh okay! Cool concept :)
Thank you! So, are you still interested in joining?
Yep :) I do apologise in advance, I'm not active much during the week (school and time zones) but I'll reply when I can.
That's okay! I'm used to it lol
So, would you like to do templates?
I don't mind, if we don't then as long as I know what gender you'd prefer me to play then that's okay :)
Okay! I don't have any gender of prefer you play, my character is male and basically a child
Want me to get the starter up?
Also, my character won't be able to do much until wound, just a heads up
Okie dokie, got it and yes, a start would be good
The attic was dusty, bits of mold spattered about. There were old, ancient boxes tucked into the corners, abandoned and forgotten. They almost seemed to be apart of the house- just as old, and it was like the two woods of the floor and box had melded together.
Oliver sat in one of these boxes, slumped over. He was dirty, mold nibbling at his fingertips. He hasn't been wound in a long time- his mind trapped in itself, slowly eating at itself.
Please.. please, somebody help me, he wanted to scream. But… He couldn't do a thing. He couldn't cry, couldn't whimper, couldn't… Anything. And he was so, so alone.
Ash hadn't been in the attic since he was a child. And now since his parents had passed, the house was his, technically. The house was big enough for him and a few of his friends to move in. It was better then paying money for an apartment while they were in collage and luckily theirs wasn't too far away.
So, him and three of his mates currently resided in the old house. It had been in the family for years which was old but Ash didn't but too much thought into it.
It wasn't until Nate, one if his friends suggested they head up to the attic to clean it out, to make it into another hang out spot, did they find the doll.
Ash had been looking through some of the old boxes, deciding which ones to chuck completely and which ones to keep when he saw the doll. It was strange since he didn't remember the thing, and it wasn't his brother's, that was for sure.
He picked it up, placing it on the floor to get a good look at it.
Olivier's attention had been grabbed. A person? No, people; there was more than one set of footsteps coming up the stairs. He could have cried with joy- at least one of them was bound to find him. His fervent prayers had finally been answered! He was lifted up out of the box, set down on the floor. He didn't recognize anyone around him, but that didn't matter. He'd been found, and maybe… Maybe he would be wound?
Ash frowned a little. Since when had a doll been present in the family? He didn't think it was one of his parents… It looked old. Really old. Maybe it had been his grandparents and it was just being stored up here. He shook his thoughts away, focusing back on the reality at hand. He picked the doll up again, noticing the mechanism at the back the beckoned to be turned.
He tilted his head, bringing his free hand up to twist the thing before placing it back on the ground.
Oliver let out a small gasp when being wound. Yes, yes, yes! He grinned as he was set down. He hesitated, then bowed deeply to Ash.
"Thank you so much, sir!" Oliver stood back up, still grinning brightly.
Ash blinked, then moved backwards from the doll, "Uh-" Dolls weren't supposed to do that, right? The toy was too old to be one of the new talking ones that most young children had, and it had too much control over its actions, "You're… welcome?"
Oliver grinned. He stretched a bit. Oh god, it felt so good. He did a cartwheel, laughing giddily.
"So," Oliver said, looking up at the man who'd wound him, who'd freed him. "Are you my new master?"
"Master?" Ash tilted his head, confusion written all over his features, "I don't know what you mean. Hell, you shouldn't even be talking!"
Oliver's smiled faultered a bit at the first part, and dropped completely at the second.
"I-I… I'm sorry sir…" Oliver drew in on himself. If this man really thought that, then… Well, he probably wouldn't be wound again. He'd be good for a few days, but then… He'd be locked away again.
This was strange. Very strange. For a moment Ash thought he might have hit his head on the way up, had Nate not nudged him on the shoulder in an attempt to make the other male reply again. His friend was clearly also confused.
"Wait no I-" He sighed, "I'm just… confused, is all. I've never heard a doll.. talk, before.. I'm sorry for being rude."
Oliver looked up at Ash, head still down.
"I… Okay, sir…" Oliver was still drawn in on himself, scared. He put his head down a bit further. He was terrified of being hurt, or bring left to rot again…
He bit his lip, "What's um- what's your name?" Ash asked, lying down on his stomach so he could get a closer, better view at the speaking doll.
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