forum @Altrince (Closed OxO, but feel free to stalk)
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

people_alt 55 followers

@CasiCasino group

((Okay— that is something I can’t unsee XD))

“No idea,” she answered the last question first since it seemed to be the easiest to reply to. She had no idea why she was sent down here and why he was sent down here as well. For one, this place wasn’t some fancy place like she would expect to be booked to and two, why with someone she had an extreme crush on but was too afraid to tell him.

She let out a sigh of clear frustration as she moved around the place, looking for something they could do… to kill time probably. That was when she realized that he had made a statement—a rather ‘dirty’ statement—about her. She smirked softly and sheathed her knife, walking back to Jessup but in front of him this time.
“What do mean I’m rude for not bringing a single thing for you to play with…?” She asked with an extreme serious tone before a smile curled up on her lips as she opened up her arms “…when that thing I brought is standing right in front of you.”


((A vivid image indeed XD))

A look of what might've even been mild surprise crossed Jess's face, but only for a brief millisecond before he replaced it with his classic smirk. "Oh? Is that so?" Jess straightened again and looked her in the eye, possibly searching for any emotions hidden there— but he was not a telepath, and could not see into the depths of her soul. "So you do intend to keep me entertained?" he asked as he stepped closer.

Jess had this habit, this habit of flirting with people with the intention of unnerving them. It spurred from an incident years ago, where rumors about him being sadistically kinky circulated amongst his own gang members. He could not undo such a rumor, so he embraced it, and he was able to use it to his advantage. People generally got uncomfortable when he spoke to them suggestively, and fear in any form works as power if used correctly. The irony of it all?
It was a complete bluff. The rumors were merely rumors. Jess was a virgin, and easily unnerved by the thought of anything serious.
But people rarely responded with suggestive comments, and when they did, he took it as a challenge; surely he could unnerve them before they did him. It was almost like a game, and he had yet to lose it.

But of course, his mind still lingered on the persisting issue: why were they here?

(my brain is dyin' but I love this RP too much to go to bed)

@CasiCasino group

She smiled almost seductively at the man before she, too, stepped closer. Almost immediately when he got into reachable distance, she rushed forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, looking at him in the eyes, whispering—
”So what if I do…?”

Of course, she was also a virgin but unlike Jess, she was truly a daring one. She could constantly tease people only to leave them in the dump after they did something wrong. But… this time it was bound to be different she felt. Even if Jessup did something wrong, she wouldn’t leave him behind if he allowed it that is.

((You should sleep ;-;))