forum All my roleplays are dead please give me attention // closed oxo (I'll do more though)
Started by @Fraust

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Aiki whined softly in his sleep and curled up more tightly, trying to get comfortable. They soon relaxed again and stopped moving around, simply lying still with their arms held close to their chest.

@emilyevewrites group

Saul's eyes glinted. "Never?"

"Never," Farah whispered as the two inched closer together and connected in a sweet kiss. The amount of alone time they had recently been getting was more than they'd ever had before, and they were sure as hell taking advantage of it.


Aiki stayed asleep during Saul and Farah's "alone" time, thankfully, and stayed pretty much still as he slept for a while. It was definitely a while before they actually started to stir again, groaning as they tried to wake up.

@emilyevewrites group

By the time Aiki woke up, Farah and Saul had eaten their portions of the food Saul had brought. They were mid-kiss when Farah pulled away a few inches.

Saul tilted his head to the side. "What?"

"He's waking up," she murmured. The couple stole one more kiss before Farah looked down at Aiki and changed the transfer from calm feelings to a moderate flow of energy to help them wake up.


Aiki stirred a bit more and soon opened his eyes with the assistance of Farah's magic. They still looked drowsy, but decidedly better than they had been before. "Mmmnh… morning…?" He mumbled sleepily, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes as he yawned.


"Mm… thanks… what is it?" Aiki asked, blinking tiredly to try and get their vision to focus on the plate. His head was aching, but he chose to ignore it for the time being.

@emilyevewrites group

"Pancakes, bacon, hashbrowns," Saul listed. "And orange juice, if you like orange juice."

Farah nodded. "Now that you're awake, though, I hope you don't mind if I go make a brief phone call?" she asked, rising from the bed after making sure Aiki was comfortable.


"Alright… thanks. And no, I don't mind." Aiki replied softly, sitting up more so that they were more stable before they pulled the plate closer. He used small amounts of his power to warm any food that had gotten cold while he slept and seemed to be content enough as he ate.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah smiled and waited until Aiki was looking down before she blew a kiss to Saul. Saul pursed his lips to catch it and winked before turning to speak to Aiki.

"So," he said as Farah strode towards the door, opened it, and stepped into the hallway, "how did you sleep?"


"Mm?" Aiki looked up when they were addressed, in the middle of eating a piece of bacon. "Oh, um… it was… fine." He lied, and not very subtly either. They'd never been especially good at lying; at least not when they were tired.

@emilyevewrites group

Saul arched an eyebrow. "I'm no Mind fairy, but… I know when someone's lying."

Farah eased the door shut as not to disrupt their conversation. She slipped her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through her contacts to find the number for Solaria's princess. Finding Luna's name, she tapped it then held the phone to her ear. After a few seconds, a light, surprised voice answered.

"Farah Dowling?"

Farah sighed and forced a smile into her voice. "Hello, Luna."


"Ah…" Aiki considered for a few seconds, not entirely sure what to say and not really able to meet Saul's eyes. "I just… can't stop worrying about all sorts of dumb stuff. I'm still worried that I won't be able to get home." They laughed weakly. "It's been a while now and my family is probably worried… none of my texts will go through since I'm in a different dimension or something."

@emilyevewrites group

Saul nodded. "That's… Yes… But you will be home soon, Farah's working on that now. I believe she's figuring things out with Luna."

"Is there a particular reason why you're calling me for the first time in over five weeks?" Luna asked curiously.

Farah sighed. "Yes, as a matter of fact. I need a favor for a friend of mine."

"Oh?" Farah could almost see the look on Luna's face. Her slightly off-putting smile. "And that would be who?"


"Mm… Luna's the princess, right?" Aiki asked as they ate some more of their food. "I guess Rosalind isn't really an option since she's mad…? Does this Luna princess lady have a way to help me get home too?"

@emilyevewrites group

"Yes and… yes. We'd rather not test it. But Luna has a gateway ring, like Rosalind does, and Farah and Luna were friends last year, so it's our best shot right now," Saul explained.

"You don't know him, but he's a very dear friend of mine I've made very recently," Farah explained.

"And… what would that favor happen to be?" Luna's sweet voice made Farah's head hurt, but she gritted her teeth and continue for Aiki's sake.

"I need to borrow your gateway ring," she said shortly. "As soon as possible."


"Okay…" Aiki sighed softly and kept eating, looking pretty nervous. "S-So… um… if Luna doesn't want to help us, I-I could actually be stuck here?" He asked meekly, his face pretty pale now. "Because… because Rosalind probably isn't going to help us right now…?"

@emilyevewrites group

"No." Saul shook his head sharply. "No, if Luna doesn't help us, we'll figure something out besides. Take Rosalind's or… something."

"My… gateway ring? Are you in some trouble, Farah?" Luna remarked, and Farah heard the smirk in her tone.

"No. I told you it's for a friend. Luna…" Farah closed her eyes and sighed. "Please."

Luna's end of the line suddenly went completely silent, and for a brief moment, Farah thought she hung up.


Farah very nearly dropped the phone. "Alright?"

"Alright," Luna repeated. "I'll come by later."

"As soon as possible," Farah repeated.


Aiki exhaled shakily and closed their eyes, not seeming very reassured by Saul's answer. I'm sure stealing from Rosalind isn't really possible… if we can't get this gateway ring from Luna, I'm stuck here indefinitely. His breathing hitched and his hands started to tremble as he allowed his thoughts to wander.

@emilyevewrites group

"Hey, don't think like that," Saul said, noting Aiki's trembles. "I'm sure Luna will be willing to help. She and Farah were… well, I guess you could call it friends."

"As soon as possible," Luna confirmed with a sigh.

"Right then," Farah stated. "Cheers." With that, she hung up and leaned back against the wall with relief. After a heartbeat, she reentered the room, a proud smile on her face. "Good news," she announced. "Luna's agreed to help. She'll be here as soon as possible, and then we can get you home." She sat down where she just had been and rubbed Aiki's back gently.


Aiki sighed shakily in relief when Farah returned and confirmed that Luna was willing to help. "T-Thank god… how… how soon is 'as soon as possible'?" They asked weakly. "Is she far from here? I dunno how fast transportation is in this place… most people can't just teleport where I'm from unless their power specifically allows it."

@emilyevewrites group

"Well, Luna is a light fairy. She could astral project, but that would be pointless since it's not physical and she couldn't actually give me the ring. Besides, I know Luna, and she will want to be here while it's in use. We'll have to trust her. Anyway, she didn't tell me what time she'd be here, but it should be soon. Solaria's capital isn't too far from Alfea," Farah explained. "How was your breakfast?"


"Alright…" Aiki sighed softly, still pretty anxious to get home. They didn't know whether or not they could trust Luna, after all, and they really wanted to go home. "Breakfast was good… thank you." He dipped his head politely in thanks. "I'll miss you guys when I get back home. Will you come visit?"

@emilyevewrites group

Farah smiled warmly. "Of course. We'll miss you too. And you can introduce me to your family. And Saul too, of course," she added, inclining her head towards him.

"I'd love to meet Eiji," Saul said with a smile as well.


Aiki nodded a bit and toyed with their ears, shifting to sit criss-cross on the bed. "I'm sure Eiji would like to meet you guys too… you and him would get along, Farah. You could talk about your fancy magic stuff with him. He's a huge nerd when it comes to that kinda thing…"