forum Agony and Tenacity (SUPER, SUPER OPEN!!)(Dark)(LGBT+)
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Deleted user

Three years. That was how long ago nineteen-year-old Alastaros Deviari was last allowed to see his friends and family. He's been enslaved to two vicious and cruel khastas (royal ones) known as Cyprus and Eleanor Zayad, acting as one of their loyal servants ever since that fateful night in which part of his territory was overrun. The furthest away from their mansion he has been in the recent months is their gardens, which he himself has to tend to regularly, and the punishments they inflict almost daily are severe enough from keeping him from attempting to flee through the gates. Living with them is a daily exercise of persistence. Although freedom seems futile, he has yet to give up on returning to his home.

This isn't exactly the type of roleplay you might be used to. I've done something similar on here once with a different story; however, this roleplay isn't structured in the exact same way that one was. Here are the rules:

  1. You don't technically have a character. This may seem upsetting at first, but it's for a reason, I promise :) my job is to write the story; your job is to guide it. After almost everything I write, I'll ask for your opinion on how you think the story is progressing so far. Your answers will completely change the plot and influence the fate of poor Alastaros.
  2. There is magic involved. If you're not up for that, this might not be the roleplay for you.
  3. If you don't answer in about a day or two, I will most likely progress in the story.
  4. If you couldn't tell from the description, there is some violence involved. Anything too explicit will definitely not be described, and if you have any triggers, please, please let me know.
  5. Depending on your answers, LGBT+ themes and romances could occur.
  6. As I mentioned earlier, if you have any triggers tell me now. It is completely against my intentions to cause any of you harm or make you feel uncomfortable.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'll provide more details once I'm sure somebody is interested.

Deleted user

actually, i'm new here and i've recently figured out how this whole contraption works but i'd like to give this a shot if that's alright with you?

Deleted user

Sure did, it's quite something you got there and i absolutely love it

Deleted user

Why thank you! So, you’re alright with not having a character and having magic/LGBT+ themes? And no noteworthy triggers, then? You can always private message me any you have if you don’t feel comfortable sharing them here, I understand.

Deleted user

Oh no! All is cool, don't sweat it! I am comfortable with not having a character, i actually think it's quite nice for my first time here
I'm also perfectly fine with lgbt+ themes, i happen to be a part of it :)
I also kinda really roll with fantasy and magic
And no triggers, im into my dark themes

Deleted user

Oh, cool! Awesome! This should be pretty fun, then—it sounds like we have a bit in common.

So, since you don’t have to make a character sheet or anything, most of the pre-roleplay will be me just helping you get a feel for everything that’s going on.

The mansion owned by Cyprus and Eleanor resides in this very dark, unsafe kingdom by the name of Morrim (more-reem), which is pretty close by the much more pleasant childhood kingdom of our main character, Alastaros. Starastavon (stuh-ras-tuh-von) is the name of it, and it’s a sort of tribal community in which people spend most of the day either hunting/fishing/sewing/cleaning/cooking/carving/etc. or selling objects in the market. It’s tucked in between two mountains by a lovely, relatively safe forest that is home to many interesting creatures.

As I said, Alastaros had been in captivity for quite some time. His daily duties as a servant include making and serving drinks in the mornings/at lunchtime, assisting one of the other servants in the kitchen at dinner, trimming the garden outside, sweeping the halls, dusting the shelves, emptying/filling the fireplaces, etc. Basically, anything Cyprus asks him to do, he’ll do. Eleanor is typically a bit nicer to him, though that’s not saying much. She carries a cane at her side—while Cyprus usually has his trusty whip—that’s ready to tell off any servant that gets in her way.

Do you need clarification on any of these details, or is this sounding alright so far to you? Or do you have any comments/details of your own you’d like to add? I’m open to suggestions!

Deleted user

no clarifications needed so far! Everything sounds enticing ahaha

though i will say i am very excited for this !

Deleted user

oh, quick side note here

im abouta hit the sack, so i think if you want to go ahead and start then by all means do so
i'll probably have to check it in the morning when i wake up though

Deleted user

Oh, no, I’m also dead exhausted so I’ll also be calling it quits for the night. I’ll send you character descriptions in the morning! And good, I’m hyped for this as well :)

Deleted user

Gotcha, sounds like a plan then. I'll cya in the morning !

Deleted user

Good morning! Alright, it’s character description time! So, I’m gonna separate this into bullets to make it easier to read.

Alastaros Deviari-

  • Nineteen years old
  • Curly, short, dark brown hair
  • Originally had rather tan skin from being outside a lot, but the color has faded over the years; however, he’s still nowhere near pale
  • Amber eyes
  • Wears exclusively blacks, reds, and grays, which are the standard colors of slaves in Morrim; also has a metal collar around his neck and two around his wrists that can be removed only with one of Eleanor’s keys
  • He’s of an average height; after he was captured, he lost quite a bit of weight; he wasn’t exactly heavy before, but now his ribs are kind of visible
  • Has a little scar through one of his eyebrows and another on his right cheek; also has many scars and marks on his body, most on his back
  • Used to have sun freckles; doesn’t anymore
  • There are two tattoos on his hands, one a symbol of Cyprus’s and the other a symbol of Eleanor’s; they represent his belonging to them, sort of like how cattle are branded so that if they get lost people know who to return them to

Cyprus Zayad-

  • Twenty years old
  • Tall and on the skinny side
  • Pale-skinned
  • Long, straight black hair that goes halfway down his back
  • Wears exclusively the golds, whites, creams, and navies expected of a khasta; usually dresses in very elegant coats and vests with pants that he makes the servants press for him; also wears various expensive rings and sometimes earrings; hates hats
  • Slender gray eyes
  • Has a sharp jawline and high cheekbones
  • Constantly eats/has mints
  • Keeps whip on belt at all times

Eleanor Zayad-

  • Eighteen years old
  • Tall with a softer figure
  • Round face and big, dark gray eyes
  • Also has jet black hair that she makes one of the servants braid every morning
  • Wears exclusively long dresses, sometimes with puffed out skirts, that tend to have large bows on the back and sleeves that bell outwards; also only wears golds, whites, creams, and navies; likes necklaces and bows in her hair but hates earrings
  • Never wears anything that exposes large parts of her body, even during sleep; tends to wear cream-colored nightgowns to bed and long stocking
  • Always smells of flowers due to her many types of expensive perfumes
  • Keeps an ivory cane with her at all times

Deleted user

I’d also like to give you a brief description of the mansion, so here it is!

Zayad Mansion-

  • Three stories; the third story has stained glass doors that lead out to a balcony
  • Its exterior is made of dark brown wood; in structural appearance, it is similar to a Victorian house
  • The first floor contains the entry hall, the main sitting room, the grand doors to the garden in the back, one bathroom, and a prize room with plush carpeting and many pedestals for any expensive treasures the siblings picked up on their travels
  • The second floor has the vast pantry, kitchen—which is also rather large with a total of one fire pit, multiple counters and cabinets, six gas stoves, etc.—dining room, and quarters for the servants; there are ten quarters in total and only eight servants, five girls and three boys (including Alastaros); there’s only two bathrooms and three closets that they all have to share
  • The upstairs is where Cyprus and Eleanor reside; they have grand bedrooms with four poster beds, large desks and only the most comfortable of chairs, feather-stuffed couches, display cases, etc.; anything they desire, they probably have, including gorgeously patterned rugs from Alastaros’s homeland; there are also two guest bedrooms up there as well, making there a total of four large bathrooms; there’s an elegant game room (by that, I mean where they mess around with gambling and stuff) in the middle of the third floor that leads out to the balcony, where people can go smoke or chat if they please
  • Wherever there isn’t carpeting, there’s a cream-colored tile floor that the servants are constantly polishing
  • The garden is massive with plants from all over that have been imported; there are bushes, fruit-bearing trees, beautiful, rare flowers, etc.; there’s also a large fountain in the middle that’s connected to by stone paths
  • The whole mansion is surrounded by a sturdy fence of spiky metal

Deleted user

Holy shit that is some godly level attention to detail right there, i wish i could live in that mansion, it sounds like a dream !

And no, i don't have any questions, you did a perfect job at giving me all the info mi amigo ~ love all of your characters so far by the way- especially Alastaros <3

Deleted user

Thanks! I made it all up as I went so I’m super glad I didn’t miss anything lol

And yeah honestly the mansion is my own guilty pleasure creation because like that’s the dream isn’t it?? (except I’d never want to own servants nasty)

Is there anything in particular of yours you’d like to throw in here before you get started? Any little ideas you’ve got or character traits you’d like to see? Any tropes you enjoy? If not then that’s perfectly cool, but (as always) I’m open to your suggestions.

Deleted user

well…you did say there was going to be romance so maybe im thinking there could be like a forbidden love kind of thing going on?? The kind of thing where person b is clueless to person a's crush maybe?? Oh man, i don't know if that's okay, but if not then it's totally cool too!

but i gotta agree with that guilty pleasure, it would be nice to live like that swoons
no servants tho haha

Deleted user

Actually–and not to reveal too much of the very basic wack plot I have going on in my head that I quite literally just made up about five minutes before I crashed last night so maybe it'll change aha–I might've already had something a little bit like that planned :)

Anything else? I'm particular (and this sounds bad but I mean hey this is part of why I'm writing this) to writing scenes in which characters experience pain or sickness of a sort and then are comforted/healed/go into recovery, if that makes sense.

Deleted user

Oh man that's awesome dude! Can't wait for this to get rollin' ~

Don't sweat it dude, i get exactly what you mean, sometimes I'll put my precious babies in unnecessary gory situations where they get tortured physically and emotionally because well, i may or may not be quite the sadist

'nd that's about it mi amigo, i think im satisfied to know that I'll enjoy this a lot !

Deleted user

I unfortunately can't get this rolling now because I've actually got to go for a couple hours :/ but I'll be back on, so I can start throwing stuff out later today

Deleted user

ah! okay, that's alright! I also gotta for a while, might finish up some homework until you get back then !

Deleted user

Hey guess who it is!! It’s me! I’m back lol

So one last thing before we start—any magic types you like? I’m having a hard time picking for our boy Alastaros. I could always use a generator, but I thought I’d ask first.

Deleted user

Here are some options I personally thought were kinda cool sounding for him:

  • Destruction summoning
  • Night hexes
  • Solar magic
  • Jewel oracle
  • Glamours/illusions
  • Rune magic

Deleted user

oh wow, holy heck
i actually like the sound of Night hexes or Destruction summoning but that's just me

Deleted user

uhh and as for the types of magics that i like-
well, i don't do much magic in reading or writing but i kind of like what Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic has !