forum across the cafe (o/o) (open)
Started by @payten_the_coffee_addict

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So i just came up with this idea an thought it would be really fun. The characters will be pen pals so to speak, where they met in a dating app or whatever and really hit it off. They live in the same big city, in which one lives in the heart of the city in an apartment, and the other lives out in the country on the outskirts of the city. They of course don't know its the same city because they often talk about the things in their own area of the city (ie the apartment resident talks about all the skyscrapers and bougie stores, and the country character talks about the horses and farm houses.). But the catch is they both enjoy going to a little cafe in between where they both live, and they usually chat online while sitting just a few tables from each other.
So, i would prefer my character to be the one that lives in the apartment in the heart of the city. This can be an LGBTQ+ rp or it can be straight, your choice but my character is female. I'll post the character template after someone joins.
(Also stalkers are always welcome, if you would rather just read along with story/ rp progression)


  • andrews rules, as always
  • cursing is allowed, but be mindful and respectful please
  • as i said before, can be LGBTQ+ if you want, im okay with whatever
  • try not to do one liners please, it happens sometimes but try your best not to use them
  • please respect my decision if i say no to your idea, this is my rp
  • finally, if you'd like to use my rp idea thats fine, please just give me credit and send me the link so i can follow along and read what you come up with !

Thats all for now, cant wait to see where this rp goes !


Age(preferably early-ish 20s):
Appearance(include a basic/general outfit description as well as physical apperance):
(well reveal more throughout the rp ~i.e. background and family~)

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Fabulous, fair warning, It'll probably be up tommorow, I'm p tired rn

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Alrighty, I'll wait for your character and then post mine!!


Name: Maria Turner
Gender: Female
Age(preferably early-ish 20s): 22
Sexuality: bi
Personality: she acts differently around different people. around her "rich" friends (or friends of her parents) shes very much a "rich girl stereotype". shes always acting the way her mom and dad expect her to act. around anyone else shes very humble and down to earth. She tries to hide that shes the Turner heir and doesnt want anyone to envy her or only want to be around her for her money.
Appearance(include a basic/general outfit description as well as physical apperance): her hair hangs in large black ringlets that frame her tanned skin face and bright blue eyes. Maria stands at 5'4" with a slight muscular build. she nonly wears name brands because if her parents found out otherwise theyd be so angry at her. she typically is in comfy clothing, whether its an athletic outfit or a cardigan and leggings.
Other: she sometimes wears glassesn but prefers contacts. Her go to order at the cafe is a large iced hazelnut mocha latte.

(sorry for taking so long)

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Name: Payton Green
Gender: Female
Age(preferably early-ish 20s): 23
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: Payton is very creative, often doodling on her hands. She's a bit absent minded and often gets over excited. She does brag a bit but she doesn't mean to be meanspirited.
Appearance(include a basic/general outfit description as well as physical apperance): Payton has tanned skin covered in freckles. Her curly red hair accents her crooked smile that almost never fades.
Other: She had a tattoo of a butterfly on her shoulder.

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She's just pure love
the love is stored in the Payton

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Maria walked into the cafe up to the cash register and waited in line to get her usual. She saw that her favorite barista was at the register and she smiled. Waiting in a line of about 4 she knew it could be a second before it was her turn so she pulled her phone from her purse and started scrolling through instagram.

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Payton had sat down at a table in the corner a while ago, she was in the city to pick up groceries and such but she always made sure to stop by into the cafe. She had ordered a large green tea and was currently messing around ono insta.