(AH! I THOUGHT I REPLIED!! I love Good Omens, lol. And sure, why don't we do a time skip to when they're retreated.)
(AH! I THOUGHT I REPLIED!! I love Good Omens, lol. And sure, why don't we do a time skip to when they're retreated.)
(No prob!! I had a really busy set of day there anyway!! Same tbh xDD And sure! ^^ So we can play each other's best friends or?)
Baelphegor had to admit, the battle hadn't really gone to plan. Her wings stung from the wounds her rival had inflicted on her, though they were only superficial. Frustratingly, so were the only wounds she'd managed to return. The fight had been inconclusive at best, leaving both parties to retreat and lick their wounds, no real winner, no real loser.
(Sorry! I've been really busy this Christmas break lol)
Runaan hissed in pain as he inspects his wounds. Nothing to major. His wing and back stung but those would heal just fine. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to think of anything that might hell against the battle. But he had done so little damage against the other… He shuts his eyes, running scenarios through his head.
(Hey, no prob, I've been incredibly bogged down with Christmas stuff! But I'm back, and I did an rp purge, so i'm back to a reasonable amount xD)
Baelphegor shook her head and wearily called out for Lucifer. She needed his encouragement right now, and his calm level head. They would have to go back to the drawing board, think up new plans to work better against the angels.
"Runaan?" asked Gloria, stopping her approach at a respectful distance. "We need to revise our plans. And would you like me to heal you? Some of those wounds look terrible."
(This is if we'd like to play each other's best friends, if we don't I can re-write it ^^)
Lucifer was a bit battered and bruised, but he'd be fine. He glances over Baelphegor, "Well aren't you in a state." He chuckles as he glances over the other. He chuckles before helping her up. "You did well against the angel." He says kindly.
He looked up, "The board an wait. We need to tend to the wounded first. I'll be fine. It's just a few scratches." He shrugged before looking at her, offering a tired smile.
She grumbled at his teasing, shooting him a half-hearted glare with no real venom behind it. "Not good enough," she growled. "That stupid angel held his own annoyingly well."
She rubbed her forehead tiredly. "What happens if this is the way it is? What if I can't win? I feel like we're equal matches, and that's not how it was supposed to be."
"Let me heal you regardless," Gloria insisted, moving to sit next to him. "The rest of our forces are being cared for. If you're going to face that demon again, you're going to need to be in top form. You'll beat her next time, you know. And the other angels are all in awe over your fight. You were amazing. I'm sure she'll be feeling the sting from those wounds for days to come."
Lucifer sighed. "Yes… That angel is going to be quite the pain in the ass." He rolled his eyes before glancing over her. "We need to get you patched up first." He says lightly. He listens to her before shaking his head. "The angel will fall. I know so, dear."
He shrugged a little bit, his eyes shutting as he let Gloria heal him. He looked exhausted. "I barely made a dent on her. With the way our first fight went, I'm afraid this will only be a continuous struggle." He sighed a little bit in distress.
Baelphegor sat silently, letting him tend her wounds. Finally she looked up, expression stony. "He will. And I'll be the one to drag him down. Tearing those pretty white feathers out."
She met Lucifer's gaze. "You'll be there, of course. Watching my back."
It was an order, a want of a friend to witness her ultimate success. Or someone to act as a sniper should the battle start to swing the wrong way.
"It's just the first fight," Gloria comforted, straightening a few out of place feathers on his wings. "You were just testing the water, so to speak. You'll figure out her fighting style soo enough, and defeat her like all your other foes. I have faith in you. And you're carrying out God's will. How can you possibly fail?"
Lucifer smirked at the others words. "Sounds entertaining. I wouldn't miss it for the seven realms." He teases lightly. He could tell she was serious. How good was that angel to hold his own against her? He want going to survive long, but it was impressive. He grinned at her. "I get his heart, right?"
Runaan shook his head. "The first of many. I could barely scratch her…" He ran a hand through his hair. At God's will he sighed and looked away, "Even so… She's good. And I hate to say it. But she has Lucifer…" His eyes narrow a little bit. He didn't dare say anything about his past and this was way. Unfriendly memories.
"Good," Baelphegor said, offering him a tight smile, despite her clipped tone. "And why not, eh? We can divvy him up between the whole crew. Snooty archangel's going to be on the menu soon, my friend."
"That doesn't matter," Gloria said firmly. "Even Lucifer wouldn't dare break Fate's will by intervening in your fight. And if he tries, you know I'll have your back. I can take him. Don't feel down, Runaan! You'll win, just give it time."
(Sorry about that)
Lucifer smirked a little bit before nodding. "That will make a delicious meal, I must admit." He purrs as he adjusts himself. "Shall we go check on the troops?"
He sighed and shook his head. "Knowing Lucifer, he might. He doesn't give a damn about rules." He shook his head. He looked over at Gloria and nods in thanks. "Alright." He chuckles softly.
(No worries at all, I'm way later xD Work was bad this weekend, I only just got time for the internet again xD)
Baelphegor allowed herself to grin back at him. "Let's," she agreed. "Then we'll make plans for tomorrow's battle. Next time we'll be successful."
"Then I will stop him," Gloria promised. "For now, let's go talk to the other angels. They need to hear from their leader right now." She offered him a hand, smiling.
Lucifer nods before dusting off his shoulders. He looked down and sighed quietly before shaking his head and looking down. "Indeed. We'll beat them once and for all." He chuckled.
He nods towards Gloria. "Thank you." He whispers before laughing quietly and taking her hand. "I guess." He stood slowly before looking over at her. "I guess. I just hope I have the strength…" He sighed.
(Good time for a time skip to the next battle, or do you wanna keep going? ^^ I'm good either way :))
(We can skip)
Baelphegor tried to ignore the sense of deja vu s she stood in the same place, looking out over the same battle field to the forces of good on the other side.
"Remember, try to deal as much damage as possible t0o the other angels," she told Lucifer. "Even if we don't win today, we can still make them hurt."
(I apologize for my absence. My mental health wasn't in the best place.)
(Hey, no worries at all!! You take all the time you need, I totally get it <3 If there' anything I can do for you, let me know :)
(Thank you. I feel much better.)
(So glad to hear it!)
(Thank you. I'll reply to this when I'm on a computer.)
(ofc ^^ np, I'm excited to see your reply :D)
Runaan was not in the slightest bit happy to be here again. Waiting on this desert wasteland, preparing for another fight. He hated it, but he prepared himself once again for the nightmare. His wings flared and blocked out the sun for a moment. He prepared himself mentally dark go through it again.
Satisfied that her troops would be sufficiently prepared this time, Baelphegor turned to face her foe once again.
So why aren't I as excited? she asked herself, drawing her weapon and shouting her warcry. She charged the opposing side, eyes locked on Runaan, but the energy of the charge severely outweighed the energy she felt for fighting him.
Buck up, she told herself roughly. Or it'll be you being beheaded at the end of this day.
Again, I apologize for my absence.//
Runaan stared at the enemy, his eyes filled with uneasiness. He didn't feel as adrenaline fueled, and he was already growing tired of what he believed to be an endless battle. He stared at the other before him, his eyes narrowed. He spread his wings, hearing the war cry and returned it, both heading towards each other. But He didn't want to fight. She could be planning his death for all he knew. He shrieked loudly, his wings blocking out the sun once again.
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