forum Jack of all trades, master of none
Started by Mio

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I have this problem wher I bonce between all of my interests. It's frustrating, since things rarely get done. Thankfully I'm finally going through a proper writting phase again, but there are a few others bouncing around right now.
Videogames. Studying my tarot to the point I'm making my own deck as I go. Linolium carving/stamp carving. Crochetting Christmas gifts and expirimenting with yarn types.
Maybe I'll just post here anytime I bounce around. If anyone's interested or has questions, feel free.

@Serenity88 group

uhg I do the same thing.
I can crochet, embroider, sing, play a couple chords on the guitar, started learning violin, have three different stories to write, and im on a competitive equestrian drill team so I own and ride horses for 1-4 hours a week. I actually have a competition this weekend.
so yeah, I feel ya.


I haven't got into it myself, but cosplaying is so wonderful to me. You see a character that you fall in love with, and then you poor your soul (and tears) into crafting an outfit or costume so you can pay tribute to them. I think it's wonderful, and it takes some hard work. It's wonderful that you do that!

@the-void-phantasmic group

I haven’t started making my own costumes yet cuz I don’t have the space for a lot of stuff, but I have makeup and a box of wigs and I try my best lol
I have a pretty badass human GLaDOS cosplay :D I just can’t use contacts bc I have astigmatism


Hey, whatever works works! Makeup still takes a lot of skill! So does getting your wig styled just right!


I have high respect for those who can do it! I tried to do eyeliner on myself once; it went so bad. Luckily I didn't get any in my eyes.

@the-void-phantasmic group

I have this eyeliner that has a little wing stencil you can pop on and off the cap, it’s super helpful!! I’ve gotten it in my eyes before but it was easy to blink out surprisingly
What really irks me is when I put on mascara and it gets on my eyelid. Or when I get concealer on my eyelid and there’s a line where my crease is bc I have hooded eyes ☠️