forum Whats the best way to do time skips?
Started by @CurtisFamWriters

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@Becfromthedead group

I'm supposed to have a time skip that's several months later. A few days, and even a week or two isn't so bad… Usually they flow in seamlessly, because you can express that little probably happened over that time period. But months? Something had to have happened.

@Becfromthedead group

You'd be right… I actually have an idea for yours. Could you have it open with a training session post-time-skip and highlight how your character(s) have improved?

@Becfromthedead group

Like an actual training session, but describe their actions as being done with more ease and cleanliness. Perhaps have someone comment on how they aren't so terrible anymore? Although the more I think about it, the more cliche it seems.

@Becfromthedead group

Hah! It seems you don't!
Meanwhile I'm planning to skip months… I might start it by introducing a new character who is an outsider, and that's when things start to get shaken up. It's all just boring days of work and normal life, up until someone starts contemplating betrayal basically? But they're suspicious of the new character rather than their friend, and bad omens start to happen… Idk if I make sense lol.


That sounds interesting. We should exchange emails so we can send each other incomplete copies of our books to criticize. Only if you feel comfortable giving out your email to a total stranger of course. (Though I suppose signing up for things with your email is also giving your email to a stranger)


Ok. I'll make a new discussion called 'my book so far'. and put my whole thing I have on it. Then you can find it and put your book on it (What you have so far) and we can criticize each other.