forum [what’s the best way to introduce a prophecy??]
Started by @pallas-athena

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i’ve currently the DM for a D&D campaign (although i’ve remixed it so much and changed things up so much that i don’t even think it counts as D&D anymore, just like… a really weird story but there’s dice); i’ve always been really up-tight in my main story about plot points and symbolism and name meaning, and this D&D campaign is a great way to kick back and let myself use some of the tropes i normally wouldn’t use in my writing just to try them out, since this whole thing is kind of a joke anyway. one of the things i wanted to try out was prophecies.

i wrote one, but i honestly have no idea how to set it up in a relatively non-cliche way. things like oracles or mystical higher beings wouldn’t really work — as strange as it seems, i decided to take the whole D&D idea for a spin and set it into a sci-fi world. while there are still “old” elements mixed in (a certain race of aliens can really see the future in their dreams, there’s a bunch of stuff surrounding a “dead” princess, and then an unconscious prince), oracles and random higher beings just hanging out on street corners wouldn’t really make any sense, so i’d really like to know if anybody else has any ideas for how i can set a prophecy up.

i know that the things provided above gives you minimal to no information on the current circumstances on my story, but i also don’t want to load up my post with a bunch of exposition that people are most likely not in the mood to read, so if you need specific details on what’s going on in the story, just ask!!

thanks if you can help!
(also, if anyone possibly recognizes me from my constant resurgences in the sharing & critiques forum and my mile-long posts there — hi again!!)


Some ideas from a teen who should not be awake

  1. Literally have it be a prophecy, from some fortune teller at a bar or on a street corner(not kidding). It could be considered bull at first, and later on, your players realize it was a bit more.

  2. Something someone read in a book.

  3. They save an oracle, but the oracle takes a fatal shot to the abdomen or something, and tells them the prophecy with their last breaths.

  4. Like the first one, some side character spouts the prophecy, and everyone thinks it's just some drunk guy's ramblings for a bit.