forum What do you do to cure Writer's Block?
Started by @Milani eco

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@Milani eco

Do you listen to Story podcasts, or music? Do you read books, or go down to the park and listen to the birds? Whatever you do, share it here!


I practically live wrestling with writer's block, but my favorite ways to combat it are:

  • Looking up writing prompts.
  • Making lists of your favorite genres, tropes, ideas, etc.
  • Reading books you like and determining what makes you like them.
  • Getting a writing buddy who will hold you accountable, and then setting a timer for about 10-15 minutes while you both write as many words as you canβ€” any words! It becomes a friendly competition with your friend and with yourself, and it's very effective. I'm not very competitive, but this would be extra useful for people who are.