forum Tell me something neat about yourself
Started by @ColaOfTheCocaVariety

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  1. I have played soccer since I was 2
  2. My mom is from Germany so I can speak the language and we celebrate German holidays, and I've been there four times.
  3. I have a condition where everything in my legs turn in, and it causes me to injure my legs/feet very easily.
  4. I tore the cartilage in my knee so badly I needed surgery and have worn five different braces over the last year and a half or so. The surgery was in July, and I'm still in a brace. Oh, and I got hurt by jumping a fence.
  5. I'm vegetarian
  6. I love Edgar Allen Poe with all my heart. I have a bulletin board in my room filled with only pictures of him, quotes, poems, etc. My friends and fam like to make fun of me because I cry when his poems are read {I literally cry because I love him so much.}


I was watching Sword Art Online. After watching…probably the third episode…I could sing along with the theme song. In Japanese. I have no idea what I'm saying when I sing along with it. I just read the Japanese words, and listen to the pronounciation.

@Mojack group

I’ve got Scottish ancestry, a lot of it
I have two middle names and one last name, making my name length 29 characters but I cut out the second middle name, making it 19.
I look to maybe a career in aviation
I have inverted toenails, inherited from my mom’s side of the family
I have at least three missing adult teeth inherited from my mom’s side again
I’ve completely broken my two front adult teeth, but I got them fixed
I also am interested in CGI animation
Adding onto Scottish, I’ve got Dutch, Irish, Italian, and Russian ancestry
I know how to say something weird in Hebrew
I’ve broken both arms, not at the same time thankfully
I have a scar on the bone in my right arm, it’s visible in an X-ray
Most of my baby teeth had to be pulled

@PaperHats business

I play piano by ear because I can’t read sheet music (:

Same! I usually use the YouTube tutorials that have the keys light up and I copy down the song with the letters that correspond to the keys

Oh I just listen to a song and then play it— it’s very hard and I could make it so much easier on myself if I learned sheet music XD I’ll have to check out the tutorials, then