Here's her character sheet
Name: Doctor Daria “Dasha” Kirillova Dmitrievena
Moral Alignment: CG
Description: 5’2 somewhat pale woman. She has blonde hair held in a bun, and striking blue eyes. A slight frame and a pretty face, Dasha was the WW2 idea of beautiful
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Brown
Age: 32
Personality: Dasha is cold, quiet, and calculated. Before the war, Dasha had been bubbly, kind and generous. She had such faith in humanity. When she came back, that had been crushed. She had been a part of Russia’s development of some top-secret weapon, and witnessing the research of it changed her
Position: Doctor
Affiliation: Soviet
Sexuality: Bisexual, claiming heterosexuality
Here's her basic run-down
Dasha had been a part of the development team when Russia was researching bioweapons, and has seen the effects of the chemically induced sicknesses Russia had been trying to use, such as Marburg virus. It's changed her a lot