"Only two more," I muttered to myself. "Just two more damned casks."
"What's that, Deputy?" Grace called over the roar of the boat's engine.
"Nothin'!" I shouted back. I checked the map again, looking for the small symbols marking where Sherri Woodhouse's old whiskey casks were submerged in the lake. "We're almost done here, thats all."
"Good!" Jess's voice quavered as she clung to the edge of the boat with all her might. "This thing stinks like ass." The pallor of her face suggested there was more than the smell bothering her.
"Yeah, and Dep can't drive for shit," Grace added.
"I can pilot this vessel just fine, thank you very much," I stated, swerving sharply and slamming the boat into reverse to bring us to an abrupt halt. "I just choose not to cause I don't give half a flyin' fuck. We're still afloat, aren't we?" I grinned at Jess's glare, then handed the map to Grace. "Last two caskets, here we go."
"Remind me again why we're out here, on this damn lake, in this damn boat, for these damned whiskey caskets?" Asked Jess, squinting her eyes shut against the sun's glare.
"Cause that Woodhouse lady offered us lots of money and we need the cash for ammo and beer." I took my gun belt off, setting it in the pilot's seat. Jess was still grumbling when I dove into the cold lake water.
Taking a moment to acclimate before going deeper, I peeked under the water, searching for the tattered yellow rope marking the casket's hiding place. Lake water debris clouded my vision, blurring the hulking shapes of sunken boat hulls and boulders lying on the floor of the lake. My chest felt tight, just as I spotted a frayed yellow tassel trailing up from a capsized hull. I lifted my head, lake water dripping from my hair into my eyes, trying to even out my ragged breathing.
"Find it yet?" Grace called from the gunner's spot on the boat.
"Yeah." I inhaled slowly, paddling in place. "This one's pretty far down."
Several slow breaths later, I kicked down into the murky depths. Halfway down, my head felt fuzzy and compressed. By the time I reached the rope, my ears felt ready to burst from the pressure. I grabbed the rope with one hand, yanking it hard. The six inches in my grasp pulled free, a cloud of fibers filling the water. I gritted my teeth and reached for more rope. My vision was becoming more blurry by the second. The two-gallon whiskey casket finally loosened from its spot, and I began my ascent.
Shit…gonna be a close one. I thought as my heartbeat pounded in my skull and my lungs screamed for oxygen. The surface seemed a mile away. Then a figure broke the calm wavering of light, sweeping down to me; Grace! As my friend took my arm, Jess appeared too, snatching the casket's rope and shooting back up. Finally, my face breached the surface of the water, and I gasped for air, filling my aching lungs.
"Damn, Deputy! Sure was pretty far down, wasn't it!" Grace helped me back up onto the boat.
"Yeah…sure was…" I agreed between gasps. one more, I thought. just one more cask, then we get paid and go back to Fall's End. "How far's the last one?"
Grace didn't pull out the map to answer. "It's a good minute away, looks like it's under a bridge."
I nodded. "You drive." Grace chuckled and handed the map back to me. Once we got moving, the wind chilled my soggy clothes. I shivered as I checked over the rumpled piece of paper, double-checking we only had the one left. wait…
"Grace, we already got the casket up in that north corner on the lake, right? We got that one yesterday?"
She shook her head, squinting against the bright sunlight reflecting off the water. "Nah boss, you said it was better to not go up north, remember? Wait, that means – shit, we got two caskets left, then, don't we. Shit I was hoping to be done with this mission."
"Yeah, you 'n' me both, sister," Jess said. "Hopin' to be back on the ground soon, off this damn boat."
I shuddered, and not just from the cold. The closer we got to the mountains, the more dangerous it got. especially for me, seeing as Jacob Seed kept making threats in my dreams, and taunting me in my head while I was awake. As soon as I'm in range… My gut twisted at the thought of being closer to the mountains. "Let's go ahead and get that one of the way, then. We're closer to that one than the one by the bridge anyway."
"Wherever you want," Grace steered us smoothly to the right, gliding northward.
I tried to tell myself that if we just barely entered Jacob Seed's region, he probably wouldn't notice. But I couldn't ease my nerves or unclench my jaw. I kept shivering as we approached the spot marked on the map, the sharp wind biting my damp clothes.
A faint strain of music reached my ears over the roar of the boat's engine, but didnt need to hear it loudly to recognize it immediately.
"Turn around!" I shouted. I stood up on the unsteady deck, my breath quickening. "Turn us around now!"
"What, why? Deputy, what's wrong?" Grace slowed the boat down a bit, but didn't change course. "Sit down!"
Jess stood, holding out her hands as if to steady me from a distance. "You aint gonna throw up on me, are you?"
"NO. Turn around, turn us around now!" Grace wheeled the boat in a circle, painfully slow. The music grew louder in my ears, my vision edged with red. "No, no no no…" I clutched at my head. "STOP IT no…"
My friend's concerned voices faded into the song. Oooooonnnllllyyyyy yyyyooooouuuuu… can make all this world seem bright… my vision darkened further, my knees buckled. Even the boat engine was drowned in the music.
Onlyyy yoouuu…