@im-with-stoopid pets
Welcome to my writing hell. (Hi, MJ.)
Pretty much just a worldbuilding, plot-planning, and overall braindump for me – feel free to yell at me about inconsistencies and stuff that generally doesn't make sense. Helps me to write better! (I hope!)
Also, let me know if this would fit more in Sharing and Critiques – I figured either or was fine, but ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
The Everchill and Everything in it:
Majority of the series takes place in The Everchill, and as you'd expect, it's cold. Always.
Realistically, if it was on Earth, it'd be somewhere near the Antarctic – going North gets warmer.
The time period I'm aiming for is Viking, maybe Medieval-ish. Vikieval?
The People:
So, within the Everchill, there's a lot of aliving happening. Evergreen forests, migrating herds, burrowing creatures, and a handful of village-clans. They generally get along well… except when they don't. The two biggest and most plot important village-clans are the Sharpstones and the Greyforge. These two village-clans have BEEF. (Or more like venison, since there aren't any cows there.)
The Sharpstones were the first to figure out how to turn stones into weaponry, hence the name. They used these advancements to generally terrorize everything and everyone. And then the Greyforge came along, and they figured out metalsmithing. Well, shit. The Sharpstones and Greyforge were locked into a standstill, as the Sharpstones had the numbers advantage, but the Greyforge had better weapons. Government's gonna do a government, and now there's propaganda. At that point, it was pretty much burned into the peoples' blood to hate the opposite village-clan, so cue the Protag's birth.
The Creatures:
What's a fantasy world without some fantasy creatures? I tried not to use the standard unicorns, dragons, and trolls as I wanted to make my thing ✨unique.✨And also because I love making fantasy creatures, but sshhh shut up.
Snowstag - Common game animal in the Everchill. Called a "stag" regardless of gender, although males are sometimes called "hornstag." Essentially, think about a deer and then cross it with a feathered horse. Their fur tends to be off-white, with bluish tints in the East and more yellow tints in the West. They run in migrating herds throughout the entire Everchill.
Marmook - Extremely common burrowing pests that can eat almost ANYTHING. Think a silvery groundhog with a longer tail. They have small backwards-curved claws for digging. They're round, shaped like friends, and very much edible. They run in large colonies underground, chewing up plant roots and scavenging.
Wrensinge - An extremely rare predator that was hunted to near extinction. Think a Utahraptor covered in stony-brown feathers, almost fluffy-looking. Their feathers are somewhat iridescent, mostly flashing orange. A line of specialized scales from their necks to their tail-tips can spark fire at will, which is their main defense. They run in small family units in the Southern mountains.
Herringbear - A common predator, generally avoided due to its aggression. Think a silvery, almost blue-furred bear. Their fur is countershaded, with whitish stomachs. They have curved, front-facing horns meant to impale both prey and enemies. They tend to run solitary throughout the Everchill, and they only tolerate each other to start doing population multiplication.
(There's more, but like, I could be here for DAYS describing all the cool creatures I wanna make-)
Uhh, yeah that's enough brain vomit for right now. I might dump some more later today, I just needed to write this all out so people can poke at it. Hell, I might even plop a One-Shot here once I finally get to motivation to finish one.