forum OC Number Replacement Game
Started by @photographsandtime group

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@photographsandtime group

Hi, I hope this is the right forum…
Anyone else remember those "number replacement memes" (which weren't memes but whatever) from 2008-2012, where you assign an OC to a number between 1-10 & answer scenario questions? I miss them, so I've made one!

OCS (descriptions welcome but optional)

[2] reads [6]'s diary. How do they each react?

[3] goes viral online. Why?

[10] and [1] are forced to go on a date. (If you object to this pairing (it's an adult and a child, for example), move down the list until you find a better date for [10]). Where do the "lovebirds" go? Do they hit it off?

[9] and [4] are planning a robbery. What are they stealing, and why?

Gun to head, [7] can only save one OC from the list and let the rest die. Who do they pick? Does anyone object?

[5] becomes sick and bedridden. Do any of the others help them?

[8] and [4] must furnish a house together. How does it go?

[6] is teleported to the inside of [3]'s head/soul/etc. What's it like in there? How do they react?

[1] is working as a cashier and a Karen/Aaron comes in. How do they handle it?

[2] and [9] get into a nasty fight, and the other OCs must take sides. What was the fight about? Who sides with who?

The OCs all get together to play a video game. Who wins? Who loses? Who throws their controller?

[8] loses a bet and must obey [10] for a day. How does it go?

[4] helps [1] clean out their room (or equivalent). How does it go?

A small child goes up to [9] and cries "Mama!"/"Dada!", how does [9] react?

[2] must entertain [5], [7], and [10] for a day. How does it go?

[6], [3], and [8] are trapped in an elevator together. What happens?

[5] and [7] swap bodies! What happens?

@larcenistarsonist group

okay lets go hehe

  1. Shea – disaster bisexual protagonist. all muscle, no brains. a she/her himbo if you will. her hair is the color of garfield and her brain is the size of a walnut. pretends she knows things about cars to impress people and unironically enjoys gumdrops. average purple lover
  2. Bianca – disaster lesbian deuteragonist. small, a little angry, wishes nothing but hell on her enemies. a bleach blond (dyed it during a gay crisis) and fueled by revenge and spicy food. daughter of an assassinated president. she wears beanies and all black to reflect her soul
  3. Pazia – good god, she needs a break. carries the world on her shoulders and her fatal flaw is her loyalty. looks like a lawyer but super suave and wears heels bigger than ur dick. not an enemy you want to have. journals every single night before she goes to bed and could speak latin at the age of 5
  4. Abel – just a little guy,,, to me. to everyone else, Abel is an unhinged wildcard who carries a minimum of eight knives on them at all times. a little lost in the mind (they're working on it) and a lover to plants. bites their ice cream. wears eight rings on each hand. blue hair and mentally ill
  5. Rhyda – the sickest, coolest, most sarcastic and careless girlboss ever. blind, but that doesn't stop her from throwing shit at people. falls asleep in odd places. doesn't wear matching socks. similar to a dad in a wwii and classic rock way, but not in having children way.
  6. Felix – slut, but that's okay. loves playing cards and adopting ferrets. a little unhinged, loves to encite a little chaos, and loves to leave a trail of broken hearts in his wake (to make up for his own,,,, sadge) desperately needs glasses but claims that having them will "kill his vibe". lactose intolerant
  7. Grace – writes bad poetry that never sees the light of day. loves skeletons (terrified of death) and roses (terrified of commitment). very goth and always dresses a little too extra for every occasion. the only one who can cook and the only one with at least an ounce of emotional intelligence
  8. Drew – sad gay white boy. spends his free time sighing wistfully out windows while cradling a cigarette. lots of daddy issues and repressed feelings. his favorite hobby is making paper cranes and hanging them from his ceiling. wears turtlenecks and sweatervests and blazers all at once. looks like he's always one minor inconvenience away from a cry of anguish
  9. Jeb – not allowed to be with explosives in eight countries. certified pyrotechnician and pyromaniac. has a prosthetic arm AND leg and he uses the metal of them to warp the light and blind people. deranged little cackle thing. very similar to rocket the raccoon now that i think about it. wears a cyan jumpsuit with the name "jesse" on them. he is not jesse.
  10. Cagney – devious child with a master plan for every situation imaginable. knows everyone's weaknesses and is desperate to exploit them. let her best friend conduct experimental brain surgery on her and got superpowers out of it. wishes she could be a moth sometimes. always knows that she'll come out on top

[Bianca] reads [Felix]'s diary. How do they each react?
Bianca: …
Felix: please dont.
[was full of many sad and gay thoughts. Bianca was hoping it would be full of potential traitorous plans so she could see what his true intentions were. she was sorely mistaken]

[Pazia] goes viral online. Why?
omg i dont even know. She probably made a really long call out video for some huge political figure full of startlingly confidential evidence and photos.

[Cagney] and [-] are forced to go on a date. (If you object to this pairing (it's an adult and a child, for example), move down the list until you find a better date for [Cagney]). Where do the "lovebirds" go? Do they hit it off?
Cagney is the only kid on this list, so I'll just skip this one alkdjf :)

[Jeb] and [Abel] are planning a robbery. What are they stealing, and why?
oh my god this is, like, the worst duo ever they are going to explode an entire country… Knowing them, they're going after something fancy, expensive, and utterly useless to them. They're doing it because it's funny and they want to do something big.

Gun to head, [Grace] can only save one OC from the list and let the rest die. Who do they pick? Does anyone object?
NOOOOOOOO Grace would honestly tell the person holding the gun to take her instead and let them all go. Shea, Drew, Jeb, and Bianca object because she shouldn't do that to herself. Pazia, Rhyda, Abel, and Felix understood that if one of them dies over the rest, it's for the better. Cagney is just glad it isn't her dying tonight.

[Rhyda] becomes sick and bedridden. Do any of the others help them?
When Rhyda's sick, she absolutely doesn't want anybody near her. She doesn't care about getting others sick, but she just doesn't want anybody to see her vulnerable. She'll lock her door and trudge out when she wants soup before hiding away again. She's usually back pretty soon and still not at 100%, but she doesn't like being out long.

[Drew] and [Abel] must furnish a house together. How does it go?
"Oh my god. Why is everything black."
"It's a nice color–"
"Shut the fuck up–where's the color?"
"Black is a–"
"I am going to kill you."
they have… clashing tastes (modern monochrome meets little shop of horrors)

[Felix] is teleported to the inside of [Pazia]'s head/soul/etc. What's it like in there? How do they react?
Felix is screaming and rolling on the floor,, why are there so many numbers?

[Shea] is working as a cashier and a Karen/Aaron comes in. How do they handle it?
"listen pal, i don't get paid enough to ignore your bullshit–" probably launches herself over the counter to body slam them

[Bianca] and [Jeb] get into a nasty fight, and the other OCs must take sides. What was the fight about? Who sides with who?
NOUGH BIANCA AND JEB ARE BESTIES,,, but they actually do get into a huge fight in canon and it results to their falling out. The canon fight was about Jeb detonating the explosive that killed Shea. Shea takes Jeb's side instead of Bianca's, after all, Shea was the one who told Jeb to detonate it in the first place. Abel, Pazia, Rhyda, Grace, and Felix also take Jeb's side because the five of them have been trained to understand the risks they'll have to take to ensure the big threat goes down. Drew takes Bianca's side. Cagney doesn't side with either of them and instead spurs the conflict on further.

The OCs all get together to play a video game. Who wins? Who loses? Who throws their controller?
they play Mario Kart. and i elaborate more here hehe. Abel is amazing at racing games, they come in first, just barely edging out Pazia (Pazia is angry, but she was also tackled by Shea earlier so that doesn't help). Rhyda is uninterested and in last place, Felix in a shockingly close 11th. Bianca doesn't care enough; Drew is slightly uncomfortable; Grace and Cagney are good, but aren't quite as good as Abel and Shea. Jeb is lobbing blue shells left and right.

[Drew] loses a bet and must obey [Cagney] for a day. How does it go?
oh terribly,,, Cagney abuses this privilege and gets Drew to do the most out of character, embarrassing things and Cagney enjoys every second. She finally has power over her older brother and she is going to make him see that she is a threat and obviously more capable than him.

[Abel] helps [Shea] clean out their room (or equivalent). How does it go?
They forget to clean halfway through and they end up playing with whatever random shit they find under Shea's bed. quality time between the two of them, they end up wheezing and being a little goofy and end up falling asleep sprawled on top of each other in Shea's bed by the end of it.

A small child goes up to [Jeb] and cries "Mama!"/"Dada!", how does [Jeb] react?
"uhhh. no?"

[Bianca] must entertain [Rhyda], [Grace], and [Cagney] for a day. How does it go?
oh terribly. Bianca already detests Rhyda and Cagney (the feeling is mutual) and so she hardly even tries with them. Grace tries to be the mediator, but even her efforts are outweighed by the tension in the air.

[Felix], [Pazia], and [Drew] are trapped in an elevator together. What happens?
omfg,, Pazia is trying to restrain herself from killing both of them (Felix is flirting and sending innuendos left and right. Drew is flustered and awkward). Pazia tries to figure out how to rewire the control panel to get them out, but it's hard when her train of thought keeps getting interrupted by Felix's not safe for work suggestions

[Rhyda] and [Grace] swap bodies! What happens?
"THIS IS WHAT IT'S LIKE TO SEE?… why am i dressed like a homeless person"
rhyda experiences the luxury of sight for the first time, she bullies her own appearance because who dare let her dress like that. Grace tries not to panic bc she cannot see.

@the-void-phantasmic group

  1. Teth
  2. Sah
  3. Mekh
  4. Tsadi
  5. Resh
  6. Juni
  7. Jupiter
  8. Nebula
  9. Mirage
  10. Callisto

[Sah] reads [Juni]'s diary. How do they each react?

Juni sometimes writes random little things in her diary, but it’s mostly sketches and paintings, so does it really count as a diary? Anyway, Sah was probably in a silly goofy mood and decided to look at Juni’s art. Juni punches him for taking her journal.

[Mekh] goes viral online. Why?

Probably something stupid involving her brother, Sah.

[10] and [1] are forced to go on a date. (If you object to this pairing (it's an adult and a child, for example), move down the list until you find a better date for [10]). Where do the "lovebirds" go? Do they hit it off?

Callisto wouldn’t hesitate to murder any of these people, other than maybe Mirage (which feels like cheating), so I’ll pass.

[Mirage] and [Tsadi] are planning a robbery. What are they stealing, and why?

No idea what they’re stealing, or how Mirage dragged Tsadi into this, but that’s the second elder we’ve lost to the dark side. Come on, guys.

Gun to head, [Jupiter] can only save one OC from the list and let the rest die. Who do they pick? Does anyone object?

DONT DO THAT TO MY BABY!!! Anyway, he probably wouldn’t be able to choose and all of them would end up dead (including Jupiter). At least most of them would end up in Orbit.

[Resh] becomes sick and bedridden. Do any of the others help them?

Juni insists on helping him, despite his constant arguing and stubbornness.

[Nebula] and [Tsadi] must furnish a house together. How does it go?

It would be a wreck. Neither of them have any sense of style when it comes to home furniture.

[Juni] is teleported to the inside of [Mekh]'s head/soul/etc. What's it like in there? How do they react?

Juni would just be stuck in an endless void, with only one braincell bouncing around Mekh’s head like the DVD logo. If it’s her turn with it in the first place.

[Teth] is working as a cashier and a Karen/Aaron comes in. How do they handle it?

She would roast the Karen/Aaron to the ground. And probably start a fistfight. Don’t piss off the short people, they’ll eat your kneecaps.

[Sah] and [Mirage] get into a nasty fight, and the other OCs must take sides. What was the fight about? Who sides with who?

Everyone except for Callisto either takes Sah’s side or stays out of it. Mirage is a bitch.

The OCs all get together to play a video game. Who wins? Who loses? Who throws their controller?

Sah and Mekh both lose immediately. Teth throws her controller, probably at someone. Callisto and Mirage would both cheat and end up winning.

[Nebula] loses a bet and must obey [Callisto] for a day. How does it go?

Nebula dies. The end.

[Tsadi] helps [Teth] clean out their room (or equivalent). How does it go?

She kicks him out after 2 minutes because he put something 0.5 centimeters away from where it’s supposed to go.

A small child goes up to [Mirage] and cries "Mama!"/"Dada!", how does [Mirage] react?

Mirage is extremely rude to the child and walks away. I told y’all she’s a bitch.

[Sah] must entertain [Resh, [Jupiter], and [Callisto] for a day. How does it go?

Resh is actually in charge, and gets rid of Callisto as soon as possible because she’s a psychopath and doesn’t need to be around anybody.

[Juni], [Mekh], and [Nebula] are trapped in an elevator together. What happens?

Mekh probably got them stuck there. She’s just chilling in the corner while Juni tries to figure out how to get unstuck and Nebula’s just very unhelpful and distracting.

[Resh] and [Jupiter] swap bodies! What happens?

A father and a small child swapping bodies? What could go wrong? It probably causes a lot of confusion and distress, and Resh is pissed off at being stuck in a body the size of an atom.