forum modern day gay romeo and juliet or???
Started by @brb

people_alt 53 followers


so im trying to write this story, which has two main characters, brother and sister, with a 2 year age difference. im trying to decide if i want to tell the story from the older brothers point of view, in which a huge romeo and juliet romance would take place, or the younger sisters, in which she risks her life a bunch of times trying to find her mom. or, i could alternate between the characters pov's, but i dont feel as though it would be as powerful (if that makes sense). is there any advice for choosing the point of veiw?


This feels like two different stories, in my opinion. I mean- obviously you know it is, but I mean that these are two polar opposite stories both waiting to be written. Which one do you feel most connected to? Write that one first. When you think of them as a pair, who is more predominate, if that makes sense? It sounds like you want to write both, and I'd suggest doing that.
But you're right. Don't try to blend the two stories together, it'll only water them both down. The only time a split POV works, in my opinion, is when they're two sides of the same coin: i.e.- the older brother and his lover, or the younger sister and her mom. The choice is up to you which one you write, but it again comes around to choosing which one makes you more excited when you think about it, I think, but I'm just going to suggest right now that you don't attempt to do an alternating POV.