forum Magic Story Name
Started by @The Dude Man Guy

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@The Dude Man Guy

I am seriously blanking for this. I want like a powerful title. My first idea was: Journey Of A Thousand Steps. But that's not really magic related or interesting

Deleted user

What's your story about and how does magic work in your world/what kinds of magic are there?

@The Dude Man Guy

Unsure yet. All I know for sure is the magic for now. But now I have to figure how I'm gonna write the magic as the words for the names of the runes aren't in English.

Deleted user

@Derek well you want your title to be related to your story. Usually the title comes after the story, or at least after you've started writing it. I think you should worry less about the title and focus more on creating a plot and characters. After you've done that it's easier to find a title because you have more to work with.