forum I've got a general plot line and characters... but no idea on how to start
Started by Emmalee

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I've been able to come up with a relatively decent plot line for a book and have written a scene or two based on this. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to come up with how to start it.

My main character (Ophelia) has essentially raised her brother since he was 1. Their father died and the mother was an abusive drunk. The mother gets involved with a guy who is a part of a gang (or cult I haven't decided) and joins as well. Mom tries to convince Ophelia to join, but in her drunken state reveals a part of a plan that will endanger (and very possibly kill) her brother. Ophelia tries to take her brother and escape but is caught and forced to join instead…. blah blah blah - on goes the rest of the story. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to start this? I have more information on characters and backgrounds and what-happens-next if it's needed. Thanks!


Hi there,

whatever you do, don't start with her morning routine, unless it is significantly different from the regular shower-dress-food-brush teeth routine (like Katniss of the hungergames who has to shoot breakfast first…).
It also depends on in which POV you're writing.
However, these are the beginnings I've come across a lot:

  • in medias res. You start in the middle of the story. Maybe at the moment Ophelia has to join the cult/gang and using flashbacks the reader gets to know how she ended up in that particular situation. (be carefull the reader knows what's going on)
  • with a thought. Maybe about her mother's drinking behaviour, that guy she's involved with or the safety of her brother. Or maybe she remembers her father (it's his birthday, or he died x years ago etc.)
  • a dialogue. She could fight with her mother or talk about the situation with a very close friend (if she has one?)
  • a flashforward. I did this myself once as a prologue. I wrote about my MC challenging her father for the position of Alpha (they're werewolves). Then I went back in time 10 years and tortured my readers for 16 chapters before the prologue happened.
  • a flashback/ something that happened in the past. Maybe some wise words from Ophelia's father?

Hope this helped! If I think of anything else I'll let you know.

jimmy dean will not tell you my real name but i like bagels

Maybe start with something that would be crazy for a normal person but is routine for Ophelia. For example,
"The gun on my hip was ice as I bolted for the cellar. No one could know. If he caught me again, I'd likely get another brand to match the keloid marring my neck. I slipped past the creaking hatch and disappeared under the slot within the fourth stair, chest rattling. Just another day with the [insert cult/gang here].