forum I need help figuring out how to create a bisexual character? Any tips?
Started by @Milani eco

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@Milani eco

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What exactly do you need help with?

hmmm…. probably how someone could detect if they are bisexual/ gay. I am partly asking to see whether i am aswell aha

@Anemone eco

Hmm. It's different for a lot of people. Some people just figure it out from pure experience. They've found themselves attracted to the two gender identities that they are in the past, and just don't feel any attraction a third at all. For example, someone found themself attracted to girls and enbies, but not guys. They felt nothing like that looking at or just thinking about guys.

I've heard some people say they think about the guy/girl/enby of their dreams, some can think of two but just can't picture the third or some can only think of one.

Gays are pretty similar. They just only feel attraction to the same gender. They just don't really feel the same flutter in their heart when they see someone of the same gender as to someone else.

Discovery is a bit hard to pinpoint though since it is different for everyone.

I hope that was semi-helpful. Any other questions?

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, it depends.
Like for me, I thought I was straight until I started kind of questioning in my junior year of high school. Literally because I was crushing on fictional women (oops). Now, I have not had a ton of crushes over the course of my life in the first place, so it was confusing (on top of being bi, I am also demisexual, but that's another topic entirely). Personally I can only feel aesthetic/romantic attraction to strangers/celebrities/etc (as opposed to sexual attraction) so it was really easy to pass off my attraction to women as "I just think she's pretty"/ "man, she's really cool and I wish she'd be friends with me."
For me, I can look back at character crushes and stuff (always fictional characters, sorry…), and I identify that maybe I was crushing on these woman characters as well as the guys.
Also in my case, I got a boyfriend in high school (they now more closely identify with gender neutral/nb, but are okay with masculine pronouns), so it was super confusing then because well, I had a bf, I must be straight, right? And we're still together, so it never really left room for exploration (outside of a brief poly relationship, but again, another topic for another time). That's not a bad thing for me, as I didn't really have a need to explore, I was just kind of alone with my thoughts, especially because I had a hard time labeling and thus never really came out until my fiance asked me outright if I liked women or if I was just being a meme when I called women sexy. I was 19 when this happened, and I just kind of decided to be open about it from there on out.
TL;DR: Being bi can be super hard to identify at times. I think it's really easy to let your bisexuality fly under the radar- even your own- if you let it go. It's normal to be like "do I like multiple genders or am I just curious?" It's okay and normal to question even if you ultimately do decide you're only attracted to one gender.
Idk if that was helpful, but if you have any specific questions, ask away.

@Milani eco

Thankyou that was all very helpful! I didnt expect anybody to respond that fast! You are both very good at advice! Thats all i need. Bye!