forum I got judged for my writing today...
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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So a friend of mine whose opinion I value asked what I was doing today, and I told him I was writing. I haven't really talked to my friends about my passion for writing in a long time. Years, actually. But I told him I was writing, and he asked what it was about, so I told him.

The basic idea of the story was that a dragon made of gold was being held captive by an extremely wealthy family, and they've been harvesting its parts for generations just to get more wealth. The main character thinks nothing of it until she's finally old enough to face the dragon herself and harvest its scales like the rest of her family, and she realizes how cruel their actions are. The story is about her growing friendship with the dragon and her struggle with her own morals, not knowing what's right and wrong, and and her mixed emotions about her family.

He seemed really weirded out by it, and now I'm really discouraged because I was so confident that this was a good concept. But I haven't shared any of my writing or story ideas in years, and now I'm not so sure. I used to get a lot of positive feedback a long time ago, but I was young, so now I fear that people just pitied me. Is this a weird idea for a story? Please be honest.

@XGrayvee language

It is an amazing idea! Don't let one bad opinion ruin your writing experience. I would definitely give a story like that a read. :)

@Becfromthedead group

Genuinely, I think it's a really cool idea.
It's kind of a more… palatable way of portraying exploitation of others for more money, despite how much suffering it may bring.
Not sure why your friend didn't like it tbh, I'm a big fan.


Thank you guys!! I really needed that encouragement, it kinda hurt having a negative reaction the first time I shared that idea with somebody. Thank you!!


hey jensen! don't let one person's opinion bother you too much, I personally think it's a cool concept and would definitely read a story with that plot. most things are subjective and not everyone is gonna be a fan of everything, but that doesn't mean that it's not a good idea.

@Starfast group

I think it sounds like a neat concept, and I'm not just saying that. I feel like there's a lot really interesting themes to be discussed here, and dragons are almost always a win for me. This is definitely something that I might read.
I don't think you should be too discouraged, because everyone has different opinions about books. I've read books that I absolutely loved that still had really harsh and negative reviews. It's kind of too bad that your friend didn't seem too into it, but don't let the opinion of one person sway you. Maybe it's not your friend's cup of tea, but that doesn't mean that it won't be someone else's favourite book.