forum How to write EPIC and GOOD fight scenes, cause quite frankly--I suck
Started by @I'm Just Saiyan

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@Becfromthedead group

I'll try to give you a few tips. I'm not the best at writing fight scenes myself, but of course, I'm striving to improve. So here's a list of things that I've noticed make up/don't make up good fight scenes.

  1. Cut back on dialogue. If people are fighting, they realistically aren't going to say a whole lot. At least, they likely won't carry out a full conversation.
  2. Properly reflect each character's ability. If your main character is really overpowered, it's not as fun or satisfying of a fight. The best fights usually have a back-and-forth to them.
  3. Don't make them too short unless there's a very good reason to do so.
  4. Don't make them too long. Please. Of course, this mainly applies with one-on-one. The fight can get boring quickly, and cause readers to lose interest.
  5. Research! Look up weapons, think about how they'd fare against each other in a fight, think about magic powers and the way they most logically would work if your characters use magic, and keep the readers invested by keeping it real. Also, watch fight scenes that you like from shows and movies, and read ones that you like from books. There's probably a particular element that draws you in to a particular kind of fight scene, and you should try to figure out how to incorporate that into your own writing.