forum How long have you been writing..
Started by @Penstorm

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Just wondering how long most of you have been writing and what kind of things do you do to practice writing? Do you read a lot, watch movies or just write… write…. write?
And… what's the general age group? Is all young people, teenager, older… just curious.


I've been writing since I was 12, so that means I've been at this hobby for over 10 years since I first discovered fanfiction on the old Nintendo forum that went defunct in '07. I write very sporadically, but I love worldbuilding, so you'll often catch me writing pages upon pages of notes in various forms (right now, I'm making charts on Excel lol). I also like to roleplay my characters and story ideas with my "editor", my fiance, which really helps me flesh out ideas.

@LittleBear group

My dad was a poet and so he encouraged me to write from pretty much three on. I Love writing strong female characters who don't take [enter expletive here] from anyone. I've tried a hand at everything but I love writing little domestic moments between characters. I usually carry a notebook with me (or at least my phone) so if a spot of inspiration hits, I don't lose it. The major thing is that I can't write linearly, I usually write the scenes that pop up and then write connecting scenes later. When I have writer's block its usually because I want to write something else so and I'm trying to force a scene…. and they almost never work out. But if I am truly stuck I will watch a movie or an episode of something in a different genre than I am writing. Then I will find a scene that I like and rewrite it into my own world and my characters - it usually ends up entirely different. Also, I just turned 21… and my favorite quote from Hemmingway is "Write Drunk, edit sober." so sometimes I'll sit down with a Moscow Mule (heck anything, I'm not picky) and write whatever comes to mind, then muddle through it later.