forum How do you avoid procrastinating?
Started by Sabrina

people_alt 20 followers


Hello, I'm a new writer and to be completely honest I've never gotten very far into the writing process. I always procrastinate or put other peoples needs and wants first. I believe I do this because I'm afraid of my completed work not being good enough, but who's to say?
All of that to say, I would like some advice on how to put my writing first/how to avoid procrastinating. Thank you.

@Story_Siren group

Focus on the end goal. Why do you want to happen by the end of the story? The side characters getting together? the villain actually wins? etc. Other than that, I would say set aside a specific time each day, like 6:30, and write until 7. Try to do that every day, even when you don't feel like writing. And don't worry if you think it's not good; just getting it on paper is the first, and hardest, step. Once you have it written down, then you can go back and revise it. Good luck!


Here's a tip I learned from a video I saw: it's called the 1-2-3 process. Basically, you tell yourself "I'm going to do something in the next 3 seconds and it's going to flipin' fantastic." Then you count down 3-2-1 and you'll want to get up and do that thing you need to do. This has worked for me whenever I know I need to get something done but my body doesn't want to cooperate. It's like telling your body what it's doing is wrong and you take control of yourself.