forum Help me name my story?
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Deleted user

Ok so I'm watching Spider-Man Far From Home (like literally now) and it's given me an idea for a new fanfic.
It probably won't be written until after I've finished my current one, but in a way it gives me something to look forward to.

Anyway, I need a name for the story.
Basic Overview: Cassiopeia is Tony Stark's only child. She inherited his love and fascination for tech, creating her own devices that get sold under her father's name. She's dorky and nerdy and doesn't know how to talk to people, with her only real friends being the Avengers. And then she meets the boy interning under her dad, and her life changes forever.

Some other little things:

  • I'm not sure who her mother would be. I have had another fanfic in which my main girl was a Stony girl. This ended up working well, but Cassiopeia isn't Blythe. And I ship Stucky too much.
    Nat was Blythe's surrogate. I don't want to do this again, even though I think Cassiopeia and Nat will be close.
    I also don't really want it to be a one-night-stand type thing. Yes, this would work for Tony. I could make it work, but I don't know at the moment.
  • I think it would make sense for Cassiopeia to have her own A.I. Just like how Tony has JARVIS and FRIDAY, and how Peter has Karen and EDITH.
    An instagram artist I follow has a fancomic of Morgan in the future and stuff. While I'm interested in using a headcanon idea of her AU, I don't want to take the name of Morgan's A.I. (CLARA (Conversational Leisure And Recreation Assisstant)).
    The annoying thing is that I'm not at all creative. I kinda like the idea of it being called Fallon but have no fucking clue what it could stand for.