forum Hair Dye
Started by @moss

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I have a character who has blue dyed hair and the story is set in the 1950s. Would colorful hair dye have been a thing back then?

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The first synthetic hair dye was made by L'Oreal in 1907! I hope that helps!


Yes there would have been blue hair dye in the 50s. It might not have been the same as what we have today, but it would have definitely been around. One thing is for sure tho, blue hair wasn’t as common as it is know, your character would probably stick out in a crowd. I find that interesting (since I myself have some blue hair 😂)


I had purple and blue hair a few years ago (even tho it feel like yesterday 😂)! How are you doing it? Like your whole head, dip dye, highlights of the colors?

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Highlights, I'm really excited, I've never dyed my hair before


It’s sort of addicting in a way, to dye your hair I mean. It’s really exiting and the fun of having dyed hair never really goes away (like when you get your ears pierced, then after a while it’s a normal thing with no real excitement). Are you doing like solid color for a section? Like one highlight is blue and another is purple or are you doing it so it’s like purple in to blue (mine was like this) or blue into purple?


You still have time to decide. If you ever realize you wanted it one way instead of another you can always wait for the color to fade then redye it.


If you're dyeing your hair, I'd recommend using the Lime Crime Unicorn stuff. It's vegan, which doesn't mean much to me other than it smells good, but it also has no ammonia, meaning that you can dye and re-dye as much as you want! Also, use the Splat bleach. It works way better than most other brands. Then again, all of this only applies if you're dyeing your hair yourself or with the help of a friend.


Thanks for the help! My character is pretty rebelious and has strict gaurdians so he decided to dye his hair blue just to annoy them

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Also, often overlooked detail: Showering with dyed hair is v i o l e n t.
Especially if it's red, like mine


The first shower after dying hair is an experience. I thought all my color was going to wash out if I wasn’t careful enough. And when I first dyed my hair (3 years ago) I was too lazy to clean the shower after I took my first shower with the dyed hair and there’s still some spots of color.