forum Good Lines
Started by @Yamatsu

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Y'all know those times when you're reading something and it slaps you in the face with how poignant, raw, or hilarious it is? I wanna compile that shit together to reference (read: gawk at/totally steal for later). I'll start:

"There are too many cameras in the world and they all want to look at you and then people look at
the recordings of you and decide what you are. I hate it. I fucking hate it. I can’t stand it
anymore. I don’t want to be seen. I don’t want someone else to decide who I am. I reject the
violence named perception.

From the Field Guide to Auric Range Mechs LANCER supplement by Delilah Worthy

@HighPockets group

Here's some of my favorites from Tumblr posts:

  • "You cannot kill me in any way that matters."
  • "I'll do whatever you want!" "Then perish."
  • "I have been through Hell and came out singing."
  • "Do I look like the kind of man who dies?"
  • "God is dead and soon we will be too."
  • "You kneel before my throne unaware it was built on lies."
  • "This is Hell's territory and I am beholden to no god."
  • "Take this gift, for the gods surely won't."
  • "One day you will be face to face with whatever saw fit to let you exist in the universe and you will have to justify the space you've filled."
  • "And when we finally kill the gods neither heaven nor hell will be waiting for them because they created those to imprison us."
  • "Violence for violence is the rule of beasts."
  • "Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?"
  • "I'd strike the sun if it insulted me."

And here's some from, like, media and stuff:

  • "Hell is empty and all the devils are here." - The Tempest
  • "You say I killed you–haunt me, then!" - Wuthering Heights
  • "Beware, for I am fearless and therefore powerful." - Frankenstein
  • "Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it." - Frankenstein
  • "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet
  • "One may smile and smile and be a villain." - Hamlet
  • "But if it be a sin to covet honor, I am the most offending soul alive." - Henry V
  • "But if the cause is not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make when all those legs and arms and heads chopped off in battle shall join together at the latter day and cry all 'we died at such a place!'" - Henry V
  • "Dream up something wild and improbable, something beautiful and full of monsters." "Beautiful and full of monsters?" "All the best stories are." - Strange the Dreamer
  • "I turned my nightmares into fireflies and trapped them in a jar." - Strange the Dreamer
  • "O for a muse of fire that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention!" - Henry V
  • "Once upon a time, a sister made a vow she didn't know how to break, and it broke her instead. Once upon a time, a girl did the impossible, but she did it just a little too late." - Muse of Nightmares
  • "The mark of an immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - The Catcher in the Rye
  • "Angry and half in love with her and tremendously sorry, I turned away." - The Great Gatsby
  • "I wasn't actually in love, but I felt a tender sort of curiosity." - The Great Gatsby
  • "We don't all have the luxury of deciding when and where we want to care about something. Suddenly the rebellion is real for you? Now that you have a stake in it and now that you don't have another life to go back to? Some of us live this rebellion. I've been in this fight since I was six years old. You're not the only one who lost everything. Some of us just decided to do something about it." - Rogue One
  • "Was this hope? Facing fear after fear for oneself and one's friends and for the galaxy all out of some desperate need to accomplish the impossible?" - Rogue One
  • "Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you see it–" "–you'll never make it through the night." - The Last Jedi
  • "How do you forgive the people who are supposed to protect you? Sometimes I don't know what I miss more: everything I've lost, or everything I never had." - Sadie
  • "A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it." - Oscar Wilde
  • "I am no longer afraid of growing old. Indeed, I can't believe I ever said anything so stupid. So childish. So offensive and arrogant. But mainly, so very, very stupid. I desperately want to grow old." - Code Name Verity
  • "Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!" - Mockingjay
  • "There is nothing more terrifying than the absoluteness of one who believes he's right." - The Diviners
  • "This is a book about ghosts, for we live in a haunted house." - Before the Devil Breaks You
  • "Before the devil breaks you, first he will make you love him." - Before the Devil Breaks You
  • "You like to act as if you don't care about anything and if you carry on like that then you're going to drown in the abyss you have imagined for yourself." - Solitaire
  • "Who watches the watchmen?" - Watchmen
  • "Patience and Silence had one beautiful daughter. And her name was Vengeance." - Gemina
  • "I'm kind of a paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy." - Seymour: An Introduction
  • "That was a mistake." "Why? Because you have no one left to die for you?" "No, because I have nothing left to fear." - Star Wars Rebels
  • "Do you know what I was smiling at? You wrote down that you were a writer by profession. It sounded to me like the loveliest euphemism I had ever heard. When was writing ever your profession? It's never been anything but a religion." - Seymour: An Introduction
  • "I love you. I love you. I love you. I'll write it in waves. In skies. In my heart. You'll never see, but you will know. I'll be all the poets, I'll kill them and take each one's place in turn, and every time love's written in all the strands it will be to you." - This Is How You Lose The Time War
  • "I hope she'll be a fool–that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool." - The Great Gatsby
  • "Never worry what other people think of you, because no one ever thinks of you." - Saga
  • "I don't want life to imitate art, I want life to be art." - Carrie Fisher
  • "I'm sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody." - Franny and Zooey
  • "O, God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the marketplace!" - Much Ado About Nothing
  • "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." - Macbeth
  • "If longing is madness, then none of us are sane." - Crier's War
  • "Desire is an odd thing. As soon as it's sated, it transmutes. If we receive golden thread, we desire the golden needle." - The Cruel Prince
  • "The Folk doubtlessly learned this lesson long ago. They do not need to deceive humans. Humans will deceive themselves." - The Wicked King
  • "You have me. Until the last star in the galaxy dies, you have me." - Illuminae
  • "The die is cast. But today we shake the table upon which it lands." - Obsidio
  • "May we meet again on distant shores." - Obsidio
  • "But what was the point of living so quietly you made no noise at all?" - The Diviners
  • "She knew what it was like to wait for someone who would never come home. She knew that grief, like a scar, never really went away." - The Diviners
  • "The land is old, the land is vast, he has no future, he has no past, his coat is sewn with many woes, he'll bring the dead, the King of Crows." - Before the Devil Breaks You
  • "People you loved could be gone in a breath. So why didn't knowing that make it any easier to be vulnerable? To tell people that you loved them, that you were hurting, that you were afraid, or that, sometimes, at five in the morning you were so alone in your own skin that you watched the weak light play across the ceiling, willing it toward dawn?" - The King of Crows
  • "Make me confused, mock me with praise! Let me be used, vary my days. But alone is alone, not alive." - Being Alive
  • "Well, someone tell me: when is it my turn? Don't I get a dream for myself?" - Rose's Turn
  • "Say it loud and there's music playing! Say it soft and it's almost like praying…" - Maria
  • "Tilt at the windmill and if you fail, you fail!" - Everybody Says Don't
  • "Everybody says don't, everybody says wait, everybody says can't fight City Hall, can't upset the cart, can't laugh at the king! Well, I say try! I say laugh at the kings or they'll make you cry. Lose your poise–fall if you have to, but lady, make a noise!" - Everybody Says Don't
  • "It's not talk of God and the decade ahead that allows you to get through the worst. It's 'I do' and 'you don't' and 'nobody said that', and 'who brought the subject up first?'" - The Little Things You Do Together
  • "So here's to the girls on the go–everybody tries. Look into their eyes and you'll see what they know: everybody dies. A toast to that invincible bunch, the dinosaurs surviving the crunch. Let's hear it for the ladies who lunch! Everybody rise!" - The Ladies Who Lunch
  • "Someone to make you come through, who'll always be there, as frightened as you of being alive…" - Being Alive
  • "You said you loved me…or were you just being kind? Or am I losing my mind?" - Losing My Mind
  • "For what's the sound of the world out there? Those crunching noises pervading the air? It's man devouring man, my dear, and who are we to deny it in here?" - A Little Priest
  • "Here's to us." "Who's like us?" "Damn few." - Like It Was
  • "I don't know who we are anymore and I'm starting not to care." - Like It Was
  • "Not a day goes by, not a blessed day, but you're somehow still part of my life and you won't go away, so there's hell to pay. And until I die, I'll die day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day til the days go by!" - Not A Day Goes By
  • "Pretty isn't beautiful, Mother. Pretty is what changes. What the eye arranges is what is beautiful." - Beautiful
  • "You watch, while I revise the world." - Beautiful
  • "Finishing the hat. How you have to finish the hat, how you watch the rest of the world from a window while you finish the hat." - Finishing the Hat
  • "Art isn't easy. Every minor detail is a major decision." - Putting It Together
  • "Anything you do, let it come from you. Then it will be new." - Moving On
  • "Damn my soul if you must, let my body turn to dust, let it mingle with the ashes of my country. Let them curse me to hell, leave it to history to tell: what I did, I did well, and I did it for my country." - The Ballad of Booth
  • "You left a legacy of butchery and treason we took eagerly, and thought you'd get applause. But traitors just get cheers and boos, not visits to their graves." - The Ballad of Booth
  • "Charlie said 'Hell, if I am guilty, then God is as well'. But God was acquitted and Charlie committed until he should hang." - The Ballad of Guiteau
  • "You've been a preacher?" "Yes, I have!" "You've been an author?" "Yes, I have!" "You've been a killer?" "Yes, I have!" "You could be an angel–" "Yes, I could!" - The Ballad of Guiteau
  • "What a wonder is a gun, what a versatile invention! First of all, when you've a gun…everybody pays attention!" - Gun Song
  • "Take my blood and body for your love. Let me feel fire, let me drink poison, tell me to tear my heart in two if that's what you want me to do." - Unworthy of Your Love
  • "People will hate me." "They will hate you with a passion, Lee. Imagine people having passionate feelings about Lee. Harvey. Oswald." - Take a Look, Lee
  • "When you kill a president, it isn't murder. Murder is a tawdry little crime; it's born of hate or lust or liquor. Adulterers and shopkeepers get murdered. But when a president is killed, when Julius Caesar got killed…he was assassinated." - Take a Look, Lee
  • "Well, there's another national anthem and I think it just began in the ballpark, listen hard…like the other national anthem says to each and every fan: if you can't do what you want to, then you do the things you can!" - Another National Anthem
  • "Something just spoke, something I wish I hadn't heard. Something bewildering occurred–fix it up fast, please, til it's just smoke, til it's only something just passed. Nothing that will last–what I was, what I was doing–nothing but the moment, just an awful moment. But something just–" - Something Just Broke
  • "I am Ozymandias, king of kings. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!" - Ozymandias


"We survived because we ran!" "And we're living because we stayed." –My friend Matt and my other friend Jake doing a sick RP segment before a massive fight in our Flying Circus game.


"Without hope of retreat or escape, the Tametomo offers a choice: die with your back to the wall, huddling and scared, or die with your reactor in your heart and fire in your hands."

From the Castor & Pollux LANCER supplement by Hellaspooks


"For you to try and redeem someone, they have to be BENEATH YOU! And I am beneath no one!"

–Exandria Unlimited Calamity Episode 4


"Unlike many IPS-N frames, the Caliban has no roots in early attempts at self-defense by freighter crews and asteroid miners. It was not born from ingenuity - there is no legacy of resilience, heroism, or the frontier spirit to paper over the purpose of its birth. It has no civilian applications in aid, disaster relief, construction, or farming; it does not build, defend, or inspire – it was designed to solve a numbers problem on a ledger.

It is a tool designed to kill human beings very, very quickly."

From The Long Rim official Lancer supplement