forum Don't question but I need a good murder
Started by @SoManyFandoms

people_alt 3 followers


I am writing a crime story, but I need a good murder. I want it to be a gore filled murder but I can't come up with any ideas. Maybe a psychopath who dismembers victims? I don't know but I want to come up with something that you don't always see.

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oh i was going to say the old inject-air-from-a-syringe-between-thier-big toe- and second toe-to - make-it-look-like-a-heart-attack one but that's not very gory


Don't know the physics of this and/or if this would actually work, but can you imagine getting your eyes sucked out via vacuum chamber? like a tiny one the size of a cup. Idk. Just thought it was interesting


Mock crucifixion? You could nail a dude to a cross, stab him in the side with a mock spear, remove his insides, and then decorate the room with them like party streamers!


I like the party streamers idea. But instead of crucifixion Iā€™m going to make it look like some sort of satanic ritual with goat blood


I was talking to a friend about some of these murder ideas and another friend heard what we were saying and looked slightly concerned. She already knows I'm a psychopath but she has never heard me talk about murder even though I talk about shows and writing projects that are all focused around murder.